post from eustace tilley
"Very nice vox. How about a fit pic?
Also, are you ordering several shirts in the same cloth / style (the S-G chambray)? Why? "
My response would be none of your f'n business and yah let me run right now to take a fit picture for you. You are a douche of the highest order.
More fodder for Mr. Hanson:
And I think this guy's shoes were sexually molested - and now it's an international affair! Someone call the Ontario equivalent of To Catch a Predator!
I don't think cashmere sweaters are sold online. Don't you have to go to Mongolia?
iGents can't pick an Allen-Edmond. Maybe they need an Allen-Edmonds version of a spirit quest to make these decisions. Instead of going out into the sweat lodge to take peyote and then walk the primordial desert they can go to the Wisconsin factory and huff rubber cement, then dive into a pit of lasts.
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-10-03 14:21:59)
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-10-03 17:59:49)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-10-03 18:16:17)
"The debaters seem to most want that their style should mostly gone unnoticed--and this is a good thing in a Martha Stewart way. It must be undistracting--tongues may not wag. Clothes will undoubtedly be stylish, but it must be unremarkable to all except the informed cognoscenti--this is a prime requirement."
Tom Wolfe, "The Secret Vice"
"...these men are fanatical about the marginal differences that go into custom tailoring. They won't talk about it. They don't want it known that they even care about it. But all the time they have this fanatical eye, more fanatical than a woman's, about the whole thing and even grade men by it."
The Andy Rooney of iGents:!
The competition is fierce but I'm pretty sure this guy is the most boring poaster ever (and his blog is equally stimulating):
iGent desperate to find an actual use for his Indy Commando-soled boots, remarks on their usefulness for "a walk in the park on dew covered grass". Could this be a tease for the next Indiana Jones movie?
Andy big-timer JJRW51212134 laughs at TSA guy "making $10.00 an hour":
Please answer this simple 20 pp. questionnaire on my new ecru shirt:
Just a quicky before bed.
l love this bloke richard prior, he gives it to all those Style Forum twits right between the eyes. Richard makes a reasonable post as the originator of the topic, but the masses of S.F fools take his words badly. Why doesn't Richard leave that joint and come here, less garbage to wade through and less losers to talk to.
First, Richards awesome post:
Then all the posts that follow from the waste of space shits of S.F: they defend their own inanity.
etc etc.
Not worth the chewy on your boot, any of them!!!
Tony, his subject is Crazed Hobo Studies so he's dressed perfectly appropriately.
Also, he sure does love that Billy Reid tote bag (a steal at $230!).
Last edited by Kingstonian (2010-10-04 10:19:06)
American Dad with the sort of detail that UK Ivy enthusiasts crave:-
''Well, it's really a matter of comfort. If I was wearing it as a concealed holster, I'd be keeping it much higher, more in the armpit. But wearing the setup non-concealed every single day for a year, looser is better, without sacrificing draw capability. ''