White OCBD
Charcoal Shetland
Charcoal flannels
Black loafers
Heaven help me, I look like the vicar! (Shoulda worn a blue BD)
What do you think you look like today?
Could be good, could have gone a bit wrong like me.
Back on track today.
Soft Pink OCBD, Old 'Hyde Park' Landsend as it happens today.
Moss Green Press Shetland
Khaki Bean cord chinos
Cordo Sebago Caymans
Mid-Grey Burlington Argyles.
Once more I look like ... whatever it is I usually look like.
A Saturday boy at The Ivy Shop?
But one grown terribly old & disfigured by vice.
Last edited by Horace (2007-01-10 01:57:37)
I'd put Burlingtons at the top of the Argyle tree.
Byfords are good but a smoother, flatter wool which gives a different look to the wooly, slightly 'fluffy' nature of Burlingtons. Both I'd say were equally available in various regular menswear shops dotted around. I have noticed though that it's rare for places to stock both together, they either have one or the other brand.
The Byford range is narrower than Burlington's I'd say in terms of colour combinations available. Not knowing what styles you're getting in the US it's hard to answer your last question. If you're getting a handful of styles then you're probably getting as much as we do in the UK.
Wear them in good health.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-01-10 01:18:31)