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The article confirms my suspicions about shoes that are made in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. I suspect that workers in the clothes industries also work in dreadful and unhealthy conditions.
Buying British, European, American or Australian clothes and shoes is not a xenophobic choice, it's an ethical one. I try to buy British first and American/European second from brands that I know well and trust, i.e. that are not exploiting the workforce or polluting the environment.
Thanks for the posting the article. It will shock some if the members here who purchase big name brands that use Far Eastern/Asian sweatshop labour.
I think the article is poorly written and disjointed. No matter where shoos are made, shoomaking uses a lot of nasty chemicals and industrial processes that harm the environment. Even in WWW countries. It isn't much of an issue because only a relative handful of shoos are made in WWW countries. That point is made in the article, but because of how it is written (or edited) it makes it easy for readers to think the point only applies to cheapo plastic shoos.
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-10-06 07:47:21)
The use nasty chemicals is largely restricted to the manufacture of shoes with synthetic soles. I cannot see the Northamptonshire makers using them in making expensive Goodyear welted shoes. It is equally unlikely that top US brands, including boat shoe makers like Quoddy, use them.
I dunno' have you ever smelt the stench of a tannery? Pretty pungent in a nasty chemical-urine way.
I'm with the Bishop, buy US and Northampton and your little feet will serve you well and you may even get a toe job from a member of the aristocracy.
Last edited by 4F Hepcat (2010-10-06 12:13:30)
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