Does anybody wear jeans here?
I look over at style forum and they seem like fetishists who want rock hard denim that lasts forever and like brown spots and ground in dirt after awhile. That is just not me, but I like the idea of being able o throw on a jacket with a pair of jeans or a sweater and jeans for a casual dinner with the wife. I am not sure that the idea brough up over there of Borrelli jeans is really for me as it seems a touch too 'precious'. Are there any jeans that can be highly recommended as fitting well and not looking like you are a wannabe teenager or a open neck/gold chin type?
Levis, which I would wear everyday if I could.
Years ago, I found the most amazing jeans at the Beau Brummel store in Soho, which may or may not still be there, made in Italy and cut like dress trousers. Bought several pair of them, knowing they would not be avalable forever, however they have to be pressed, defeating the beauty and practicality of Levis or similar jeans.
I keep a pair of Bean's classic LL Vintage jeans by me (1/2 turn-ups natch!) but rarely wear them now for whatever reason. Khakis & Cords get more wear from me these days.
Levi`s 501 is some of a classic choice
Ralph Lauren, under the RRL line, makes a very nice sanforized japanese denim jean. I don't know about availability in the stores as I get them on ebay for about $50-60, but retail is $185 or so and beware, sizing is rather strange. My pairs are a 32 waist and I am a 34-35 waist and there is still an inch or so in space at the waist.
These are quite hot at the moment:
I think I last wore jeans when I was 14.
Nothing against em, just not for me.
Did the 501 cut change or did I?
Time passed & they seemed to get very skimpy.
the 501 has historically changed its cut quite a bit
the 1937 501 (technically the 201) had a fuller cut than the uber classic 1947 501 (the standard by which many jean cuts are put against)...the 1955 501 got fuller again, then trimmer by 1966 etc etc
the Levis repro of the 1947 501 is the most classic-cantgowrong jean you can buy
then there's the hordes of Japanese repro's of Levis....
Thanks GS - You're a mine of information.
SF is all Ivied-out now I think. Fun while it lasted. Thanks again for that too.
Jovan was cool wasn't he?
Back to the Modern World I guess -