I don't know. Seems all he'd really need is for the waistcoat to meet the trousers quite a bit higher up, a shorter coat, and definitely less massive lapels. That would probably elongate his legs (which presently look like they've been chopped off at the knee with what he's wearing) and improve the overall silhouette considerably, giving him a more elegant and less dwarf-like (short, robust, short legs) look. All that would require is higher rise trousers and a higher cut on the waistxoat.
I tend to think it should be no trouble at all doing him at least some favours with his clothes. The rest we can nitpick to death, but that's where he goes wrong most badly, and that's what makes him look most terrible in my opinion.
from our indian expert:
epic: If you are talking about whnay, I think he looks damn good. Actually IMO he is the best looking in that party
I'm more interested in the hottie.
This little fellow would benefit from more tapering in the pants. Sometimes one just has to turn a blind eye to the rules (that would forbid such tinkering with formal wear) and go with what looks best. He might also want to consider elevator shoes, seriously.
No wonder the membership there is so insecure; there are Napoleon complexing running around like nobody's business.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-12-28 19:57:05)
Is that Moo Foo Fun in the pith?
Good finds, Bob. The pith helmet guy is wearing the guard's tie, which has to be the most boring tie ever designed, the Edmonds Park Avenue of the tie world. The old codger in the topper is genuinely an old codger, so I can't criticize him!
Last edited by Cardinals5 (2011-01-01 19:59:31)
Last edited by Saint (2011-01-02 12:45:25)