What I found most revealing about our "friend" is that he claimed to have been a DJ at numerous nightclubs in the '80s--nightclubs heavily populated by former Studio 54 habitués.
Last edited by Horace (2007-01-30 23:21:33)
Last edited by passingtime (2007-01-31 20:20:42)
His "sincerity" is underwhelming and ultimately comical.
Frankly, his new thesarus style of writing only betrays his depth.
Last edited by Incroyable (2007-02-02 00:45:30)
That M@t dude can sure fire an awesome comeback!
Isn't that the forum where they boil bathroom attendants for soup and taunt little old ladies with sexually explicit haiku?
I know that you don't like us here, and that is just fine. My question is whether you realize that everybody on the two boards that you post on dislikes you. Just wondering...
Last edited by Teacher (2007-02-03 00:10:29)
I love it when the bell rings and Teacher decides it's playtime!
If you have the time and inclination, you may get a few grins from the thread that has metasticized into several pages, on "what I bought this last weekend".
Looks like a serious cry for help!
All of the posts assume that someone gives a flip about what they just bought. To compound the issue, most are accompanied by a photo of the purchase. As in, there are people out there that are interested in the fact that you just bought a new surcingle belt? The interest even extends to wanting to see photos of both sides of the buckle? WOW!
One of our favorites posted with a list of several $thousand on order. I'm sure he will treat us to large photos of these purchases when they arrive, with his palatial estate in the background.
Another photo deserves a comment. The guy posts a picture of what he is wearing. The photo shows him in his office with a stethascope around his neck. A DOCTOR, get it? We should be glad that he isn't a proctologist.
This one is an absolute must!
Trad Forum, Janyary 12th, by jrandyv, on "Trad and not wardrobe -almost finished".
Last edited by Matt (2007-02-06 09:51:38)
Right on Patrick, however, they are in the process of burning insense, at this instant, to memorialize your friend reaching 3000, posts. Be still my heart!