there's a p.m waiting for you fxh.
"Charming" is how Muffy described Chenners. I think she missed out the word "bleedin'".
Still, Muffy herself has a certain mumsified attractiveness that young pre-pubescent males find strangely appealing.
I saw the headline and thought "A gift!" Then I was thoroughly put off my breakfast.
They do make a fine (or should that be 'right') pair.
Christian looks healthy there.
I always love seeing him in his new wardrobe but it always makes me hanker to get him to dress up in something else next. All you have to do is whisper in his ear & he'll run out shopping...
with her being from such a rarefied, classy strata you'd think she'd be able to afford to treat that terminal case of rosacea that seems to be eating her face. is it yacht burn or something? sprezzatura-face ? is it only proles who prefer women w/o the complexion of alcoholic crossing guards?
Chenners is starting to look a tad more corpulent than he used to, methinks.
He also looks like he got his haircut out of a vending machine.
Either that or he found some kind of automated hair-cutting robot. Either way works.
The robot's name was 'Ivy' and he took it as an omen.
NJS - a lot of the posters here were mean to me 'cos I had a crush on Muffy