There is country, and there is town. Town I take to mean "the City" in the UK, or "NYC" in the USA or suchlike places (I might even say "TO" in Canada, but that would just encourage them ).
So, what are the 'burbs? Country by day and town by night? Town silhouettes in country suitings?
Or have town and country ceased to be places altogether, but represent rather states of mind or style that you can take with you wherever you go?
Town I am not qualified to comment on but country is a state of mind regardless where you go and a place you come back to when you get sick of the city.
In the UK there is no real divide between the suburbs and the country until you get into the border country (of either Wales or Scotland) and the pace slows. There is definite divide between the City and the rest though, especially for work clothes. In the City at night there is a tendency for people just to go out in their work clothes as it is probably two or three hour round trip to change and few people can be bothered.
I think it was on Will's blog that he considered what it meant to dress for the 'burbs. A sort of utopia in a strict sense: no place. So one is always in between the city and country. And therefore never really reaching a destination of either.
Brown chalk-stripe suit.