or would that send the wrong message? Please advise.
I find a kilt tends to appeal more to interviewers.
Good luck.
If you are a lady, and I'm assuming you are... the answer is yes... only if it's with a pant's suit. Skirts can (and do) send the wrong message if they are too high.
Oh... alright. Sorry. I guess your first name is Ken. That should have been a clue.
First, there are some tools on that forum that are a bit whacked. But that's true of almost all forums (except this and mine, of course....) and some of the folks there are like a tire any car parked on a road full of potholes: they're out of ballance (and their allinement is off.) The rest of the folks are alright.
Can't answer the question with out first knowing what kind of job are you going for.
But the pertinent and wholly Important question remains--can I wear a Double-Breasted for my Greeter interview at the Wal-Mart?
Or will I be viewed as "overly-qualified and too big for my britches"?
Last edited by Incroyable (2007-02-04 20:33:29)
Just so I correctly understand your missive, you are not really asking if you should wear pants to an interview, for you have stated there is no interview, nor was your rhetoric designed to quiz us on interviews not requiring pants, which I think would have been genuinely entertaining if only a little juvenile. Rather you are brining to our attention another post, this time without the benefit of quotations, in which we will begin our derisive heckling. Sure, this could be fun, but I would first like to see the clip.
I have not even determined as of yet if this interview is taking place at a nudist colony or not. Is it a clothing optional even? I would consider Ren's valid advise and if you do wear a skirt make it a decent length one as those short one are kinda skanky.
Last edited by Ed (2007-02-05 07:22:04)
You have to admit however that she does wear a mean mini. I could do ( have done ) one of those numbers in a bright pink before I started wearing mens attire again.
May I plug in to what I am beginning to precieve to be a most young crowd here. There was a day that J C Penny was at the pinnacle of fashion kind sir. Only topped I may ad by Spiegle of course and not to forget the Wards of the time and they seldom used the montgomery name in those days. Not sure if they still exist as much.
We of course had a dual purpose for the pages of these publications as we could not afford any of the clothing nor toliet paper either or, we just used the pages for toliet paper in the out door crapper.
They of course was suitable litrature at the time as well all things considered.
How times do change.