I have stayed in Bryant Park Hotel, but the period in which I want to travel (next April) is way too expensive ($4500) for a week. What and where are the chepeast yet nicest (above 3 stars) hotels in New York City? I would like to be close to Times Square, around 40th Street. However am open to ideas. Travelling middle of April.
the "salvation army" chain is generally reasonable, and usually located in fashionable areas. "YMCA", also at a very competitive price point, often has in-house exercise facilities. The only real drawback, besides the latter's ban on female guests, is both hotelier's strict "no drugs and alcohol" policy. call ahead to secure the best rates.
Last edited by shamrockmonkey (2011-03-25 01:49:04)
My mate just came back from USA (a 4 week holiday) he said he was getting 3 and 4 star hotels, by last minute booking, for around $200 a night due to the depressed market in USA.
I can ask where he stayed in NYC
have you tried the search engines?
My mate just came over with two bottles of Oz shiraz - after I'd already drunk one.
He was in USA two weeks ago.
NYC he stayed at the New Yorker on 3oth and 7th for around $200
The Warwick on 34 th and 6th for the same.
He had prior bookings but was able to ring direct to hotel to nights prior and get it cheaper so -he cancelled prior bookings.
As per usual tourist to USA - saved money on meals by ordering one entree only - does for two normal people meal (entree + main)in most places.
entree = main in the US, mate.
cruz - I realised something like that but in my befuddled state last night couldn't explain the cultural differences. I'm sure the USA has a reason to call the main course the entree (entrance) while the rest of the world has amuse-bouche, hors d'Ĺ“uvre and entree prior to the mains.
Anyway the point is that for outsiders the meals in USA are fuckin huge. Enormous. What the rest of the world calls an entree the USA calls ..... (dunno) ...and one of these will feed two people most times.
Last edited by fxh (2011-03-25 16:52:09)