For all he has contributed and for the way he lead the way online.
A Buff's Bastard long before me and one who always felt free to question what was put forward as Internet fact.
That his questioning stance should now be questioned by others only shows the impact of Marc. Take away Marc & you take away his critic's discussions.
Not liking Marc is a personal choice, but it is entirely defined by Marc being the influence he is.
Even the strongest feelings against him are entirely defined by how much Marc has made his mark.
Hate him and damn him to hell if you will, but all the act of doing so affirms is that Marc has had THAT great an influence to make you feel so strongly.
Best -
James, Moderator, 'Talk Ivy'.
He smashed so many igent beliefs with stone cold reality. Everyone thought the sun shone out of Saville Row's and John Lobb London's arse until Marc exposed some of these guys for the over-rated names that they are. We were all in fantasy land back then, but big bad Marc set us all straight because he had the experience. He also tried warning us about Beaman and got banned over and over again for it, but eventually the morons banning him realised he was right all along. l could go on and on about the great stuff Grayson did, but i've got stuff to do.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-04-16 05:22:46)
We should not always assume that everyone on the clothing forums take their participation as a popularity contest. That includes myself, Marc, and a bunch of other posters on here. Rather, this odd behavior is perfectly illustrated by certain few, quite vulgar and classless newcomers. Perhaps we should rather make a 'god bless' thread for them and make their lives more worthwhile?
Do name name's Cruz, these so called vulgar and classless newcomers.
I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with Mr. Grayson. Cearly Mr. Grayson didn't like me saying something about how a pattern could have been placed better on one of his jackets. I deeply regret that statement (though I stand by it), if we were standing at a bar its something I would have never said. Though I would have thought it I wouldn't have been so rude to have said it. I would have said it to a friend however, so I can say there was never any malice at all. He is an easy target to wind up, that is obvious, he can give it but taking it back is hard for him. His brutal wit I rather enjoy, his racism I find disgusting but I respect his right to hold those beliefs. He knows his downfalls inside I'm sure, he gets bored very quickly with clothes he has made and craves the excitment of a new garment. This endless circle of addiction is something only he can address, its not making him happy at all in the long term but the short fix he gets see's him though till the next time. It may well be that Mr. Grayson has some sort of complusion disorder. I don't hate him, I don't love him. If anything I pity him but I can't help him, he has to sort his issues out for himself. This forum wouldn't be so much fun without him though and Mr Street and Mr Shooman (I'm sure with their tougues in cheek) are right in that respect. Really I think he should see a doctor, but yes, God bless Marc Grayson.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-04-16 18:16:48)
I'm very happy that the 'Sartorious Rex' STYLE OF WRITING is taking off...
We all have points to make here... Personalising them for anything but comedic effect always looks bad on the poster.
Discussing hated ideas is always more interesting than discussing hated people.
It's all so silly anyway when all we are talking about is online presentations of self - No real names (unless you're a real chump) & no really 'real' people here...
... And in the end you get the debate you engender. It could be a bitch-fest or it could be more illuminating. And it takes real skill to combine the two.
- Plus all trolling to be effective has to have an End Game. What's the objective in bitching Marc? He won't change just because you want him to. Why would he? Why would he do that for you?
Engage with his ideas & you might get a dialogue going.
My dear Mr. Street, I don't want you to think I take anything personal or seriously on here. I hope my banter with others is taken for what it is-banter. Mr. Grayson has badgered me once or twice and I have retorted many more times than I should I'll admit, but only because he's so easy to wind up. Sport if you will, for an hour or so's enjoyment each evening. That was the objective for me, though I feel retort is fairer that BITCH. Happy to draw a line when he is, but he must learn his place in the banter pecking order (wink). I did try and get Mr. Grayson to name names in the Maestro thread as I'm sure I can learn lots from what he knows, even if I can't afford it I'd still like to look. but sadly I think with my piss taking I've spoilt it for myself. Hey ho.
DUM DUM on the other hand is clearly a cock who needs to ask what the difference is between having a 2 or 3 buttoned jacket on, casting his dismissive opinion over anything that someone else might like. I'm afraid any retort to his banter is always going to go back to the words SUIT and DULL. (DON'T take it personal DUM DUM)
Last edited by Cruz Diez (2011-04-16 07:26:46)
Fuck off, God - You created him!
(Sorry. I've just wanted to say that to God for a while now. Nothing personal.)
Is Marc Grayson, in fact, "racist"? I know he is extremely anti-Muslim, but religion is not the same as race. Race is immutable, but religion does require a measure of conscious, willing adherence.
Really good news:
Marc, we hardly knew ye:
Well, at least we're all talking about Hitler now. A good sign that this is all winding down, according to the law of the internet.
So, in summary, some people like Marc and some people do not. It's all rather like Marmite isn't it?