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#26 2011-04-20 20:31:55

Alexandre Orlov
Posts: 116

Re: Tom Ford shoos - what a rip-off

I always buying Vero Cuoio brand shoes.


#27 2011-04-21 02:21:40

Posts: 1141

Re: Tom Ford shoos - what a rip-off


#28 2011-04-21 02:29:00

Posts: 1141

Re: Tom Ford shoos - what a rip-off


#29 2011-04-21 07:13:39

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: Tom Ford shoos - what a rip-off

yeah they definitely seem cheap, unless someone removed the sock liner (it's an eBay shoo so who knows what mods the seller had done), using that carboard stiffener as a replacement for a full leather insole is cheap which is okay for lightweight loafers but not proper dress shoos, a friend has shown me Italian made shoes with the same construction which is fine at a low price but not at Tom Ford prices ($$$$$), he's taking a cheap road which is a shame esp since the pair I posted are heavy dress tassell loafers not summer sockless moccs and deserve to be Church's quality & solidity not Tod's quality

agree with Shooey that the soles seem like inappropriate leather - too soft, almost like leather used for a leather jacket not for the soles of shoos - for show only, it seems

admittedly if I was wealthy I would probably own a couple pairs of Tom Ford shoos
but for people who need to get value for $$$ they're clearly not a good choice

Last edited by Big Tony (2011-04-21 07:22:29)

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