Bumped (because here, it isn't, a crime....)
Dan River was making the oxford cloth for Brooks into the 1980's. I found a write up. Will post later.
Also wore one of my D&J Anderson Troy shirts. Damn fine stuff. (I've got other old oxford Troys in Tattered Trad thread) but it doesn't appear that fabric is as nice. But it might just be that the fabric has been laundered so many times.
I have a few oxford cloth shirts, but the cloth was made in Italy.
Dan River no longer weaves Oxford cloth for Brooks. i was told it was coming from Japan.
What ever Dan river is still weaving is good for kids clothing and craft projects.
I have been told otherwise, but I do not really think there is any fabric being woven in England.
because of machinery and imported expertise, you can now buy excellent shirtings from
and horrors China!
Now are the above delivering the same quality as Switzerland and and Italy?
In some cases yes.
2/180's from Soktas in turkey are very nice. Not the same as those from Albini.
by the way, several of the Italian weaver either have factories in India or are searching for partners there.
Horrace while I do not know the specifics of your inquires I do have some general knowlege of some. I had to do some textile research last year for a flat cap or News boy in a rare tartan cloth the gentleman had not been able to find in several years searching. It was a clan color and while we located the weaver that could make this in the first hour, we also located the ones already doing this in the first day but then learnd quite abit more over that year searching for other rarites.
Japan and Switzerland both share two common traits. Both are loaded with traditional shuttle looms and textile mfg's and both have lax envromental laws on the products used in the processing or have over looked this or what ever that allows them to continue to do what others have been shut down for everywhere else. Japan is the only place to currently produce highend Rayons in small dennier.
Switzerland is just loaded with mills every where still. Canada has taken on parts of this work as well a considerable amount in fact again all about the enviromental laws which makes no sense to me as I thought of all 3 to be very " Green" places but some how not so.
The South Afericans are heavily invested in Portugal right now along with many other countries and seem to have entire quantrants there set up almost sub cities of mfg complexes and housing and are running entire operations as a result.
China is losing much of its industry to India now and actually climbing the social structure for a change.
Sorry I do not know more specifics but I have invited a Friend from UK to join us that is an avid researcher and he may soon shed some light.