Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-21 21:25:02)
shooey - sometimes people say nothing because they agree and theres nothing to say except "Preach it Brother", others times its "Mmh thats interesting - that shooey sure cares about shoes" or " mmh - I'm not sure I understand it but I'm glad shooey looks into these things - I'll get back to it later" or .... lots of reasons - doesn't always mean it isn't appreciated.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-22 08:17:45)
Just finished a big cup of Ryegrass juice before bed. Took that sucker down like a real motherfucker. l generally consume 2 large trays a day (one in the morning and one at night).
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-23 10:22:07)
Far too much of something: wet; warming and ttolaly siplfilctaign. Hic; hic; ihc.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-24 21:23:17)
Don't bother with Andrew Weil - Woo Retailer and Wholesaler
Wheatgrass has a "highly unstable structure"? In what way? Does it frequently mutate into whalebone or some other form of matter? Is there a link between wheatgrass' highly unstable structure and tailgate ions? If you smear brie on a tray of wheatgrass at a tailgate party in Ann Arbor, Michigan do you create antimatter and blow a hole in the space/time continuum? Are we on to a comprehensive unified theory of the universe? Which of us is Archimedes in the bath? Can we borrow the well-known SF nudist?
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2011-05-25 01:05:00)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-26 02:33:39)
An interesting thing about research on alternative medicines and dietary supplements is that a lot of it has been done in India and China - and the results are almost always, if not always, positive. I wonder why this is?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-05-25 06:48:11)
Nothing else only water..These are summer days and it is recommended for all to drink water 5 lit/day.
A very strange week, started up in Bologna with Skyped conversations with Australia and ended up giving a presentation to a delegation of fifty oil cats from the Far East and now I'm listening to The Jam's punk-live album "Dig the New Breed" and drinking Heineken with Bushmills 16 year old whiskey chasers.
And there's old school chums of mine be working on that same production line at the car factory since 1988.
Weird when I come to think about all of this, why I am here, and not there?