no no I worked with him here
Last edited by fxh (2011-05-30 03:04:13)
Hey, fellas, it's 1998 all over again!
To paraphrase Santayana: "Those who remember the past routinely shove it up the ass of those who don't every 10 - 15 years."
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2011-06-04 17:56:27)
I'm still stuck with some local stinkers that are worth around 2c each that I tried to stag just at the end of the big dot com
This is going to be ugly. All those poets, novelists and other "creative team members" who slaved for options, will find that they've pissed away a couple years for nothing. Not the worst fate, but when you were hoping to be a tycoon, it must rankle a bit.
People are betting that this is more akin to a Google or an Amazon. Not all net companies are dogs.
Here's an interesting article on the dangers of appeasement, creeping Sharia and the Balkanisation of the UK:
Be prepared.
Much of it is indeed ghettoization and America has a lot of experience of this, and so too now in Europe, beside the UK: the suburbs of Paris, Amsterdam and Gouda here in the Netherlands where the bus drivers will not go into the suburbs at night because of the racial abuse from the muslim gangsta-youths. Most of the prejudice crimes here in the Netherlands is muslim youth on gays and drunks. And jews, there's always the jews, you can always blame them, well, doesn't everyone?
Back in the early 90's there were riots in the Pakistani community in Preston in the UK over whether to deal drugs and engage in prostitution of the vulnerable underage kaffir girls. Half the community said yes, the other no. And they fought against each other. And that's a fact.
So, from this, we know a large part of the Pakistani community in the UK are moral people and will fight against evil.
We also know from the recent murder cases in Blackpool and the prostitution pimping rings in Northern England that portions of the Pakistani Islamic community consider us, and particularly our young girls as nothing but kaffirs and a means to appropriate the infidel tax. The police and judiciary have sucked cock to avoid inciting this part of community at whatever the cost, particulary when it comes to investigating thoroughy and bringing the guilty to charge for crimes against missing underclass girls in Blackpool.
I don't propose burning mosques, that would be against social cohesion, multiculturilism and respect. But I do propose that the Law in Blighty be applied equally to all parts of the community.
The current policy of the British police and judicial service, one of appeasement in the name of not starting a low level civil war in the manner of Northern Ireland after 1972, is a dead end and will lead to rioting, rioting blood and a more problematic confrontation in the future.
But like everything in the UK, it's I'm alright today, so sod the rest. Especially when it comes our political class.
Last edited by 4F Hepcat (2011-06-12 12:58:33)
Last edited by Big Tony (2011-06-13 08:22:16)