Forgive my ignorance, but is it really necessary to do all that to a bicycle seat? Why not just use it for a few years, then buy another if it shows its age? Too easy?
Last edited by Big Tony (2011-06-26 14:08:37)
quay - you quaint old fossil - not connected to Royalty are you? TAPATALK is an Pear Shaped app for reading and replying to fora.
I trust you'll not go all AAAC feral on me and ask what is an Pear Shaped or an App
Last edited by Coolidge (2011-06-26 21:47:51)
Shall I part my hair behind?
Do I dare to polish a shoe?
Memphislawyer shows his usual tenacity, quick thinking and resolve in this whiz-bang thread on whether you need different colors of polish for different colors of shoe. I think it was Karl Popper who said that this issue (what philosophers call "the hard problem of shoe polish color") cannot be resolved through even an arbitrarily large sampling of individual shoe/polish interactions, since that kind of observation passes empiricism and verges into the realm of fantasy. Feyerabend, following Popper, wrote that although Plato considered all shades of shoe polish (especially "chestnut") an imperfect reflection of the ideal shoe polish he would now be forced to admit that Saphir Mahogany Ultimate Luxury Deliquescing Cream actually IS the ideal shoe polish, and that this represents the brutal triumph of scientistic imperialism. Anyway, I polish all my shoes with those free sponges that they give out in the better sort of business hotel, hope that helps.
Detective Firedancer discovers that Quoddy is operating a secret mocassin factory in North Korea.
Kabbaz shills his $100 undershirts in this incredibly depressing thread. The OP casually mentions that he would consider tearing the sleeves off his undershirt and then finishing the sleeve heads himself on his sewing machine; he also dispenses valuable tips about using deodorant. This is high level stuff here, guys! The masters of the universe!
Despite being given a 3 day respite when no one really said squat about them, the idiots at Askaskaskask show no improvement, no awareness that they are laughingstocks. Eagle is representative--"Oh no Mr. Bill!!" That's from about 1972, isn't it? Even the fossils in this shithole are too young to remember. I remember, and it wasn't even funny then. And that stupid fuck in Memphis complaining that it's too hard to find brown edge dressing at Walmart--is Memphis such a commercial latrine that they don't have shoe repair shops, a marginal, immigrant-friendly start-up business that you could easily find in, say, Tahiti, where it is probably against the law to wear shoes?
I want to give up. But I will buck up, fortify my soul with a quick visit to the loathsome crypto-fascist Admiral Cod, and a drive-by at WAYWT to see what horrible outfit Crustopher Bruce von Threepiece is sporting post-Parade, and perhaps I will again be whole.
Last edited by Kingstonian (2011-06-29 13:28:10)