I love the info I'm picking up here, etc., but I just want to make sure that I've got as much info as possible before I go into hibernation(orthopaedic surgery)soon.
Can anyone recommend any shirtmakers in Rome, other than the following:
2.Asole E Bottoni-
3.Mimmo Siviglia-
3.Micocci-(A website address would be awesome!)
4.Finollo-(Same as above.)
Have I missed any? Especially any with websites. Italy should have a law about that. All shops should have websites. Am I alone here?
BTW, which ones are HANDMADE-JUST KIDDING!!! Couldn't resist.
Good points, all of 'em, but I meant that more for those who:
1.Don't travel in such cirlces(like me).
2.Are on a different continent/in a different country than the shop.
3.Know precisely what they want, and are merely looking for someone who makes what they want as part of their regular "house style"(me again).
I wouldn't make a choice whether or not to use them based on their availability on the Web, for many have different reasons for not going online.
Example: I understand that Charvet's Colban still doesn't like the fact that the colors online aren't true to what's in the store, and is waiting until there's more color accuracy available to him and his product. True or not, I get his ideas, especially considering Charvet's price points.
Also, I'm not too keen on asking others where they get their gear, for what looks good on him...KnowwhatImean? But, that's just me. Everyone has their own system. The trick is finding one which works well for you.
Last edited by BCL (2007-02-16 23:12:18)
Last edited by Patrick Bateman (2007-02-16 23:31:53)
What about Brioni?
Plus point - Vast selection of material; top quality construction.
Minus - Very expensive.