I'm an IT guy trying to learn about style in my spare time. Who should I look up to? I certainly don't want to dress like 40s movie actors.
Dan Trepanier and Simon Crompton are generally considered the best dressed men of all time, and neither one in the least resembles a 40s movie actor. If you can't hack Trepanier or Cromps's look you could go for also-ran Nick Wooster, who is merely the best dressed man of this century. A mysterious style guru who goes by "Trip English" is also doing marvelous things with more of a traditional American look, if you're into that. I don't know why you'd take advice from the nobodies on this forum though, I mean it's pretty clear that you're a big deal.
No fucking about Dick, this is where its at, pure class.
/\ A great place for all Dicks everywhere.
I'm enjoying how the blogger in question there is now writing his own comments on his posts under numerous phony names (World's End, Chelsea Drug Store...) along with Dan Goodfella to give himself a bit more confidence to carry on. My great friends at Warwick University have had yet another little look inside his site again...
Sad to hear he has no Ivy book and no Ivy museum exhibit after all... He told us he had last year... And that the new book idea along with AAAC regular Broken-Down-Boyer that he is currently trailering, and moaning that it that isn't being picked up on, is based on my "Random Clothes Related Quotes" thread from here.
The reason that book won't fly is all the permissions & the cost of all the copyright for all the quotations he wants to comment on. Obvious stuff really. Why he claims that it is 'Original' is beyond me.