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#1 2007-02-28 01:41:09

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

"B.D. Baggies" Shirts

Every so often they come up in conversation -

This was as far as I got with them over in Andyland.


Edit: Think it would have been '88 when I first saw them in 'Harrington'.

Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-02-28 01:48:00)

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#2 2007-02-28 06:42:45

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts

Looking at them today, they appear to be mostly patterned shirts.
Rather 60s Ivy League Look, very casual.

Would be nice if they made them in a heavy solid blue or pink, or university stripe
The world needs a cheap but heavy oxford button-down shirt.



#3 2007-02-28 16:29:57

Posts: 6433

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts

Were Ben Sherman's ever part of your look or was that more skinhead than Ivy?  I only remember the short-sleeved Bens, but I always liked the fabrics, esp. the plaids.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#4 2007-02-28 16:33:50

Posts: 1330

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts


#5 2007-03-01 01:33:20

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#6 2007-03-01 01:37:07

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#7 2007-03-01 06:35:23

Posts: 1330

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts


#8 2007-03-01 06:48:07

Posts: 220

Re: "B.D. Baggies" Shirts

I always thought of B.D. Baggies as a department store shirt--they'd be laid out on tables instead of put in racks like the Arrow and Hathaway and store brand shirts (being on a table meant that the price would be higher and that they were more of a "fashion" item--after all, who wants to look at a table of white Arrow shirts?), and they were inferior to what you'd get if you went to an actual men's store--the place where I bought shirts sold mostly Kenneth Gordon, Gitman, and others of that ilk.  You could always spot someone trying to wear a tie with a B.D. Baggies shirt because it never looked right.  I'm certain B.D. Baggies were being sold as early as 1986, and they had some oxford cloth colors you would never find other makers except Polo using--I remember mint green and aqua as particular abominations.  At that time the Polo OCBD still used MOP buttons--they had extras pinned to the shirt in a little bag, and some of them may even have been made in the USA.   I want to say the price for Polo was $52.50 at that time, while B.D. Baggies were something like $35.


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