Progress I have made, in the Pocono's and here of Astoria, for the writer's bloc that I was feeling, previous.
As the very natual of the book, has changed, so I think the title also,.
From Civil Sartorial Disobediance, I am changing it to, The Saffron Suit: A Spiritual Approach to Men's Style.
Do you think, this title will help better find , a publisher?
Last edited by Vaclav (2007-03-01 14:06:52)
Personally, I like the title, "Sartorial Disobedience". To me, it sounds funky, rebellious, witty, eccentric and utterly stylish. I may be wrong, but I really think that most guys out there who are looking to step up to the style plate are looking to encompass all of these ideal personality traits into their wardrobes. Also(just my two cents), if your book avoids the unnecessary name-dropping of so many other "men's style 'writers'", and help guys help themselves, it'll be a refreshing departure from the heavy-handed and somewhat prissy prose of the past. But, you're the author, and I wish you good luck for the success of your book. Let us know when it comes out.
Last edited by Vaclav (2007-03-01 20:31:08)
Funny you should mention Gang Green. I just got an invitation to see them on Saturday night along with The Freeze, another old school hardcore Boston band. Not sure if I'll go yet. Personally, I'd call the book Sartorial Hardcore, but that's just me.