A year old or more but still hilarious.
Dearest Manton,
When you made your transition from print to teh forvm, I stated that I didn't think you'd fit in. Then, when you tried your hand at SF threads I was critical, and I felt that they were confirmation that you just weren't internet material.
For these things I am teh sorriez. Now I realize that it could get worse. Much worse. The descent of forums.filmnoirbuff.com into teh webnet made me realize that it's not that you're "not intertube material;" you're just a different type of internetweb material. You're a coat of many colors, we're plain ol' fresco, but at least we're all wool. my forvm is...like...polyester.
So, Manton, please accept my heartfelt apology. You may never reach Voxian or RSSian levels of nettube skillz, but at least you tried to bring teh knowledge. In contrast to teh ladiez of teh bunny forum, your brand of nerdfunny is a welcome addition.
Please, join us in our defense of teh STYLEFRVUM against the onslaught of feelings and angst. We need you now, 'cause, according to CE, you know a whole lot about some really cool guns. And bombs. And napalm.
Your Pal,
**Not a real letter. FNB still hates Manton. Sorry Manton.
What's ever happened to Manton? Has he forsaken SF to sulk in his tent like great Achilles...or what?
At last Manners seems to have quite disappeared - presumably right up inside himself.
Nicholas may also be immersed in working on his newest book.
Nick, is your new book about adventurers taking precedence over your projected books about men's sports, guns, etc.?
Doesn't look as if the new book is available in the States yet. I trust it will be soon. I have gotten much pleasure from the first two books in the series. The title doesn't seem very appropriate. Publishers!
Manton takes a different direction... http://www.city-journal.org/2011/21_4_urb-age-of-ships.html