Never stayed but it's nice for eating & drinking & just meeting people.
Why people arrange to meet in tube stations is beyond me when you can go to these places for free and sit down.
Often you can steal small items while you are in there too.
Did you know....
• In 1696 a tailor trying to collect a debt from a client who had taken refuge in the precincts of the Savoy was tarred and feathered and tied to the Strand maypole. This was in retribution for breaching the traditional right of sanctuary of the area, a right abolished by an angry Parliament the following year.
Still in Covent Garden -
I don't like the laminated menus or how steep the stairs are to the loos or the fact that you can't smoke there any more, but I do love Rules.
Can't plug Rules without boosting Simpsons -
In the entire history of the world nobody has ever been unhappy in Simpsons.
Love this place -
Would make a fantastic setting for an FNB party.
All the cats milling about upstairs & downstairs... A Cool night out.