Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-01-05 23:09:06)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-01-06 04:04:22)
Last edited by meister (2012-01-06 01:17:45)
/\ A salient point.
They are too uninformed to be conservatives/Conservatives (Just like the online 'Trads').
What they do instead is to create an approximation of what they imagine to be 'correct' by drawing on popular culture to produce a pastiche of conservatism/Conservatism/Tradition.
They are all echos of a very 'MTV' way of viewing the world - Copies of copies of copies of copies of copies - Creating something brand new...
... And not very good.
/\ I'd still disagree - That's not conservatism/Conservatism. That's timidity.
Maybe ?
I am not convinced that Italians and Germans run to adopt English style. From what I have seen and read, the Italians tend to go for blue shirts (French fronts and button cuffs) and knitted ties. Germans appear to go for big name European brands. The English wear white or striped shirts with patterned silk (woven or printed) ties.
I am conceited, pretentious, and driven by exclusivity, but unfortunately the English system does not work best for me.
Being only 5'7 but still muscular in chest and thigh, the English cut, even when tailored, always looks a little off on me. Of course, being pretentious and all doesn't stop me from using "the English cut" knowing full well only a few will notice the whole and many the particulars, thus sustaining my fantasy serviceably.
But in general, there is little discussion in these forums on the effects of certain cuts on different anatomical types, a subject I think is more pertinent to the individual than the virtues or detriments of national canons of dress.
"Now side vents are mainstream but then English style is rather mainstream too, courtesy of TM Lewin, CHarles Tyrwhitt, Thomas Pink, etc.. which give Americans English clothes at unbeatable Chinese rates."
I would take Thomas Pink out of that list. Pink's prices are outrageous and the quality is dire.