These have been for a long time, since the 70s supposedly. A iconic look?
The new ones are 100% wool whilst the old ones you see on ebay are often a 20% acrylic mix. Maybe an exception to the generally held view that modern clothes are inferior.
Very popular part of the first incarnation Preppie style(early 80's) weren't they?
I quite like them but there's something a bit reminiscent of a sweater your mum knitted when you were 12.
I like them too. The red and white colourway is nice. You often see that in the wool/rayon versions on ebay.
If I had to choose I'd probably go for a vintage wool/rayon version because it's going to be a lot cheaper and also I like how a little man-made in a heavy knit repels water. Ideal if your walking and theres a slight spray of rain in the wind. That's what I'd be wearing it for anyway.
If i were wearing it under a coat/jacket I'd like a modern all wool one though.
If its 100% wool and water resistant its made from unscoured wool or has a teflon coating.
I'm getting one of these bad boys for the winter
Trad Norsk Ivy.
*click onto the different colours to see neck detail*
Last edited by Simon (2011-11-04 17:53:28)
I've got an old LL Bean norwegian sweater in navy/white in a medium if anyone's interested? Maybe I should head to the exchange....
$12.85 with post. The good old days.
Something I remember my father wearing a few years ago. Might well have been Bean - he has plenty of it. He wouldn't see it as 'Ivy', though, just something warm to wear.
Thanks for that info Soggy. Backed up by the advert posted as well. I always thought that the man-mades in the mix added extra water repellance and that's why even proper vintage duffle and peacoats aren't 100% wool. I must have my wires crossed.
I wouldn't mind one of those Wool Plaid Shirts either.
My peacoat is, I assure you, 100 per cent wool.
These fisherman jumpers go way back in Norway, used on the northsea for rough and tough work. Cold and wet also, they'd have had to have been hard wearing in a time before Rayon was made. Seeing as their made by Bean today in 100% wool I'd say that the use of Rayon to give the garment extra strength was a bit of a blag, more likely to keep costs down.
Aye, you are probably right. I don't doubt the similar gab talked about duffles/peacoats was for similar reasons. Ad men were trying to pull the wool/rayon over gullible buyers eyes even then I suppose.
I'm sure that the "plastic mod" will come out immediately!
Apropos the Bean sweater: Do I remember correctly that George Peppard wore one?
The sweater reminds me of the norwegian string vest I wore under a Pendleton shirt, when out hiking, just thinking about it makes me want to scratch
Ho Hum
and pills less too.
I have one of the old wool-rayon ones. Really warm and comfortable. Seems to evoke a certain nostalgia among the New England crowd.
Last edited by katon (2012-01-10 15:08:07)
I had a very similar sweater that my mom bought me to go on a school skiing trip to Austria back in the 70's. It was the dark on white style that Wahoo mentions earlier. Even at that age I realised there was something different about that sweater. It wasn't fashionable for the time but I knew my mom had spent good cash on it. It really was a quality item I remember thinking at the time, I wish I remembered where she bought it from.
Itched to buggery though.
Last edited by Prof Kelp (2012-01-10 15:49:24)
There are some snowflake designs available.
Certain DW posters need look no further.