Looks like the Bear is Out for attack!
Would they be considered "progressive style icons," I wonder.
I have to say, Elton's husband looks much more convincing in uniform compared to the birthday boy.
l wish l owned a uniform like the one Elton John is wearing. l'd wear it occasionally.
lf ever l have plenty of money and are in the U.K, i'll get Dege to make me one. (l think it's Dege)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-03-15 22:42:55)
Hrm is that a Purple Heart that Sir Elton's husband is wearing?
it's that in rather poor taste? Seems violence might ensue were he to wear that in the wrong place.
Last edited by Ed (2007-03-16 10:39:10)
That doesn't look like a uniform Stalin would wear.
It seems like a later Soviet General's uniform, maybe from the '60s.
Looks like something Edgar Hoover would wear, along with a pink tutu.