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#1 2007-03-16 23:16:34

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-03-17 07:10:02)


#2 2007-03-16 23:28:29

Patrick Bateman
Posts: 1006

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

Badge of honor.



#3 2007-03-16 23:31:46

Posts: 341

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

That's a shame. And unfair. I know old-time Savile Row tailors who would back you up. They question the cutting techniques nowadays of the younger set, an area of legitimate concern if Savile Row hopes to maintain its standards. I mean, it's pure logic. The good cutters are dying out and some of the new breed are talented but they surely don't measure up to the old school, at least not yet. How could they? Experiece is as important talent, don't you think?


#4 2007-03-17 07:08:55

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

lt was alittle dissapointing to get banned from L.L. l didn't mind posting there alittle.

One thing which did strike me about L.L was that the suit (in the personal photo albams) section was so under-whelming. l was expecting some amazing clothing, but most stuff looked like a good RTW fit, not a bespoke fit. Of course, there were some standout clothing (lammatt comes to mind). But largely, the clothing section was abit of a letdown. Some forum legends clothing was a total letdown. So sad really.

l never wanted to cause any trouble over there. l sought of feel guilty for running down S.R (since there are quite a few S.R makers on the forum), but l feel a banning was maybe alittle harsh. l don't know why so many members are so afraid to voice an opinion over there. Any thinking that is different is shut down. l thought the subject of `cultural cutting' (my term) would be an interesting subject for people to discuss. Unfortunately, no-one wanted to talk about cutting techniques. Such a shame......could have eventuated into a great thread.

The Shooman.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-03-17 07:38:10)


#5 2007-03-17 08:10:50

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

After spending time at L.L and being largely dissapointed with the site (there was some good quality stuff, but there was also lots of ill informed rubbish too), l am just wondering where all the best dressed people are hiding? Like....l see very very few really well dressed people. So, if these people aren't at L.L, where are they?

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-03-17 08:16:50)


#6 2007-03-17 08:21:06

Lord Hillyer
Posts: 507

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

Here. wink


#7 2007-03-17 08:24:19

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

l knew l was gonna get banned. l still don't think it should have happened.

l'm surprised l wasn't chopped earlier. The `old boy' was off the job for a few days and obviously hadn't read my posts.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-03-17 08:27:06)


#8 2007-03-17 09:51:14

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: l got banned from the inner sanctions of London Lounge.

Banned from the Mausoleum? Be grateful, you're too young to die!  I was never a member and I really don't worry about it.


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