I guess it changes in the late 60s or maybe the 70s. And it was probably the 60s generation that was to blame. but there actually was a world that that never knew designer marketing. You relied on the manufacturers labels and the shops where you always shopped. You didn't need the blessing of a marketing firm and a label.
Of course you relied on other people for other things too. FDR, HST, IKE, JFK they were the products of bosses who knew them. LBJ was too and with him it began to end. Primaries mattered in 1968 and votes did too.
Taste was easy back then. you just went to the local store. One of those Biddles that George Frazier mentions refers to the good taste of RTW american clothes in the late 50s. but those values were lost in the 1960s. American taste never recovered. It survived on in little pockets of the Northeast, or the south. But the country lost its way.
we need taste makers in this country but they are sadly lacking. Taste is defined today in Hollywood. but there is no studio to lead the way. Maybe the internet can show the younger generation how to dress, But the sad fact is, if your father didn't tell you how to do it, you are going to look like a goofball.
Last edited by tom222222 (2007-03-19 21:47:34)
there is no reason why we should not seek out quality. there is no reason why we should be enamored of 'designers'. occasionally the two things coincide. But only occasionally. and would someone fire that guy they hired at JPress. please.
The sexual revolution has ended "male based" style in this country for the forseable future. Sexuality and thus designers will always play some part now. It's not all bad, they are about to bring the DB suit back.