Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-03-27 08:25:29)
Thanks Shooey I am sure you are excited to hear that.
good news shooey
The trouble with many old professions that were handed down to indentured apprentices without outside input was that, unfortunately, many of the old traditional ways aren't always the most efficient, or even the best. A lot of effort goes into defending old ways of doing things when some clear eyed examination will provide both better and more efficient ways of doing things. When I was in farming many many things were like that, nowadays theres much more clear eyed view of farming many things.
Thats not to say that there isn't much good and worth keeping about a lot of old ways of working. As you know - too much has been thrown away without knowing why people were throwing it away or without understanding what is was the was being done.
They were originally going to locate at La Trobe University in Melbourne, but some staff there apparently didn't like the idea of having much more talented outsiders (foot people) than they had at the Uni, so they rejected the plan (possibly to save their own jobs).
Extraordinary news about that new shoo-making educational program, and most welcome. I'm actually surprised it's happening in a comfy wealthy Western nation, since I had assumed Wal Mart's grip on the West was complete and we would never see anyone other than foreigners focusing on quality like this again. Let's hope it's successful, but even if it only runs for a few years it still will have educated a bunch of youngsters and sent them out into the world.
What the heck is Wal-mart? lt sounds pretty shitty. No need to bother explaining.
Good to see you here Tony.
Here is Karl's website. By looking at it you wouldn't think he was anything special, but that is where i-gents make mistakes...they assume too much without doing proper investigation, that's why no-one on the forums has ever heard of him.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-03-27 08:31:28)
I honestly believe that orthopedics are largely neglected in the high-end shoo biz, including probably bespoke from what I've read (although I don't own bespoke). I think it needs to be taken much more seriously, as I see too many high-end shoos which clearly will not fit the human foot (feet, it should be recognized, have changed significantly since the early part of the 20th century when the bespoke biz and most modern men's dress shoo styles were conceived - that's a long time to keep shapes the same).
Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-03-28 02:43:09)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2013-02-27 02:32:47)
Melbourne shoe scene moves fwd with bespoke makers.
Yep, Theo is coming on in droves. Pretty much self taught. Takes him two weeks to make each shoe. l still remember the first times when he tried to thread the bristle, took him ages, but he has come a long way since then. l will see him again soon.
lt would be great if he could work with Vass or someone for real training, but he may not come back to Oz if that happened.
l'll get him to make me a pair one day, but not yet until he gets more hours under his belt.
That website want to photograph some of my shoes too.
Here is Chris, owner of Australia's best shoe store `double monk' in John Lobb Prsstige double monks:
His brother Nick in Cleverly monks:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2013-02-28 01:36:44)
I know people who only have sneakers/ athletic shoes and thongs. Plus they wear thick sport socks. If they ever go to get a leather "dress" shoe they have no idea what a shoe should feel or fit like.