On my last visit to my tailor in England I had a final fitting and everything was good apart from the hem on the trousers. There was no time to wait for them to be done as my flight was due later that day. They said they'd post the suit to me, which they have. However customs have it and are asking for a receipt. I've thought about saying they made the suit a few years ago and I've just had it altered. Or telling them to post it back to sender. Import toll is going to be about £300, ($450ish) and I don't want to pay it. Anyone been in this situation? What was the outcome?
Anyone got a good blag I can come out with?
Goodyear - what country are you in? And do you mind saying what that charge is - customs duty, VAT/GST, handling charges or what?
I ask because we have recently had a Productivity Commission Inquiry here, Australia, into online retailing and o/s online imports, and it specifically addressed the issue of our GST/VAT and Import duty free threshold of aud$1,000 on any one order. Despite special pleading from usual mercantilists and moribund australian bricks and mortar retailers who have enjoyed a "what the market will bear" markups the commission advised the government that the current threshold of $1,000 was appropriate.
Basically under aud$1,000 a purchase is not subject to any charges on entry to the country or receipt at the customers end. Most, but not all by any means, UK sellers deduct UK VAT @20% which is not payable either. Some just pocket the 20%.
On a related note re internationalism, I notice Ms fxh's new Lands End hard catelogue arrived to day from ZURICH!
It was Leona Helmsey who antoinetted the press and got time, Martha Stewart also did a bit of bird for not paying hers but was sharp enough not to come over as an arrogant twat..