Dragged off TI.
''If an extrovert wants attention, what does an introvert crave? Peace and quiet? Something I've been pondering of recent, after reading about brain types and Dandyism. (separately) One article stated that men exposed to higher levels of testosterone at a certain point of the gestation period were prone to being more extroverted, and those that weren't where more insular and neurotic. I'm not sure what my point is. Um, is Ivy meant to be introverted due to its conservative heritage?''
I know this is the kind of scientific hot air that fills the tabloids daily, but it is an interesting read, and it got me thinking in broader terms about how dandyism has a gay, and a straight side, and it is very clear to tell, when what message is being given off. Well I think so.
''Recent studies at Swansea University found a long ring finger means you’re less likely to smoke, says Professor Manning.
This is because testosterone is associated with an extrovert type of personality, while smoking is linked to an introverted or neurotic type of personality.
‘This character trait makes you more likely to smoke,’ says the Professor.
The bad news is that ‘those with a longer ring finger are more inclined to drink alcohol’.
More likely to excel at sport: If your ring finger is significantly longer than your index finger (around a centimetre longer or more), it can mean you’ve got what it takes to be a professional sportsperson.
‘This is probably because these people were exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb, which helps develop a strong heart and vascular system,’ says Professor Manning.''
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1361683/From-colds-hayfever-health-risks-revealed-FINGERS.html#ixzz23kchthIx
Last edited by One For Bop (2012-08-16 16:30:29)
Yet more bollocks from The Daily Mail aided and abetted by Swansea University.
I've seen a lot regarding this finger ratio business, as well as it realiting to face shape, not just in the daily mail, it's quite interesting i think. But i'm no welsh scientist!
I've seen it all before, a study that related index finger ratios to risk of impending heart attacks and madness.
Dandyism a result of exposure of testosterone? I don't believe it. And one things those good folk at Swansea Uni know, we will never be able to prove it one way or another.
I haven't looked but I'd be willing to bet its "evolutionary psychology/biology" nonsense.
Aye, about as much use as having the bumps on your head feeled.
I know, I'm still sceptical about cigarettes giving you cancer, I put it down to damp houses.
Now then, that's proved beyond all doubt.
Smoking kills definitivelty, and I think the new Australian laws are a step in the right direction.
The tobacco companies are going apeshit. Tried a Supreme Court Appeal - got tossed out.
What about plastics in food packaging, that is some serious business, apparently the UK are dragging their feet, obviously plastics is important to use, and people's hearts closing up aren't.
New studies have shown not only does it block androgens, it damages arteries too! What a marvellous product!
Oh, and prolonged exposure has carcinogenic effects!
Great stuff to make kids toys out of.
Last edited by One For Bop (2012-08-17 12:26:58)
^It's in food and water containers where the damage is done, not in toys, unless you eat them in large doses.
Sammy - any more snaffling my bon mots and I'll expect a paypal transfer for each usage.