I try to make my posts stick like flypapers
Moderators say to me "yo Trolla sign these goddamn papers"
My tailor told me "yo Trolla you're fired"
'Cause my body told me "yo Trolla you're tired"
Yo Trolla this, and yo Trolla that
I'm your Trolla now 'cause your full windsor got fat
Vaclava framalama boy you won't figure
I don't wanna be called yo Trolla.
Yo Trolla!
Break it down
Everybody sayin' it
Everybody playin' it
Take to a dry cleaner
'Cause everybody's stainin' it
Trady say "yo I be good Trolla"
"Trolla get a tie Trolla be good dresser"
I don't care how small or bigger
I don't wanna be called yo Trolla
Yo Trolla...
Last edited by Vaclav (2007-04-10 13:46:34)