I have a few RTW CHarvet shirts. I happen to like them and theyve stood the test of at least some time and wear and tear. However, they arent worth the sticker price when I can go to a quality shirtmaker like Paris Custom Shirts.
Im at the point where Id rather have fewer but better. I would like to hear more about Siviglia.
I used Seewalt and Bauman a while back. They make a decent shirt too. I never liked the collars but the construction was good. They have more of a Trad cast to them, if I may say so. Their collars, though they have another feature i dont like about them, always struck me as reminiscent of Camelot circa 1961.
Were you measured by Dan Hirsch? I have never met anyone who tries to sell MTM shirts with a similar lack of even accidental ability when it comes to fitting.
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-04-20 15:21:54)
I am dumbfounded at how a company with their reputation could put plastic buttons on shirts that cost in excess of $300 off the peg.
By the way, there are two excellent shirtmakers in your backyard (NYC) in Paris and Geneva. No real need to venture further.
Edit: That's Paris shirtmakers and Geneva shirtmakers (Both in NY)
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2007-03-07 14:01:17)
Mel Gambert is also a good shirtmaker, located in NJ. He used to supply custom shirts for Flusser's clients during the 80's.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, Tex! I'm just doin' recon work right now, gathering all of the info I can
before my forced hibernation begins later this month.
Bear with me.