"Do you like to shop for clothes with your wife or girlfriend?"
"Which is better: Fused shirt collars or unfused?"
"Hey, guys, can anyone recommend a cheap tailor on the Lower East Side who can make working button holes?"
"Brown in town: Faux pas or fashion forward?"
"Bespoke newbie seeks suggestions for first suit?"
"Savile Row veteran seeks suggestions for the umteenth suit"
"Some bastard used me as an unauthorized reference at Anderson & Sheppard and now I'm going ape-shit!"
Which bespoke tailor has the best house style?
Which bespoke tailor makes the best drape?
Which bespoke tailor makes everything entirely by hand?
"A Gentleman should never wear a belt with a suit" - agreed?
Has anybody bought from this Ebay seller?
Difference between H. Freeman and Hickey Freeman
Hong Kong tailors and General advice on Bespoke suits
the Raj trolls FNB from afar:
and again!