Looking good. I appreciate the effort.
I am suitably impressed that you have been "exposed maybe four to five times" - with the same pair of shoes. You sure you aren't an australian from queensland?
Was it all in the same establishment? From your vast experience does it make a difference if its vodka, wine, beer or Irn Bru and Bucks?
Do you think lessons on how to lean forward to a vomit in a more projectile manner might be a useful addition to a chapter on shoe care? Or was this a result of a "close friend" unloading or a stranger danger issue?
My lady wife and I had a good laugh at your Vomit Patina Albert.I would suggest a legs wide apart and bent over stance holding onto a wall with one or both hands to minimize vomit stains.
Last edited by David Reeves (2012-10-24 18:33:25)
Some nice shoos and a nice patina. Those shoos need a good drink of moisturiser and an occasional wax to keep the nasties out.
I have a pair of suede Beatle Boots I puked all over once. They didn't look as good as yours do afterwards Albert, I must say. In fact they never recovered. Totally ruined. I think I was drinking Vodka and Red Bull.
I may take some photos if any of you weirdo's want to have a good laugh.
I'll get on it this evening when my missus gets back from her travels with the camera. I've always wanted to show them to people who may get a chuckle out of it because I still can't get over the loss.
I still think of the boots I loved so dearly when I was 18/19 and only got to wear once. It stops me from enjoying the true horror that I subjected them to. What a night though..
Let leave this here - minus link - if you cant tell a spewing, chucking, growling at the gravel, technicolour yawn, etc tale leave.