The article is pretty naff, but the comments are amusing and I've only read the first page:
Fuckin hell that's brought the igents out the woodwork.
I think a good point is made, do you want you leaders to look like you? That kind of suggests they're no better than you, and in that case, when you view your own capabilities to do something well, wouldn't you be worried that they couldn't perform any better, if a pilot wore his trackies and a hoody, you'd not want to get on board would you?
I think they've mis-judged the psychology of it, don't look casual ,were not dealing with casual causes are we, we need people to act and dress seriously. Of cause, they approach is casual, because they're alright.
It's only when something disappears do we realise why it was there I guess.
In my sector (energy) I was one of the first to wear no tie, gradually it has taken over. This has now caused me to wear ties again, but silk knit ones with Ivy style button down collars. People look confused at this inbetween style but I was complimented on my look in an industry meeting by an actual real life woman this week causing all the men to turn around and look at my tie. Whichever way the general flow goes I generally want to go the other way. The casual thing is now perhaps going too far with a generation of office workers who have never worn a tie. The look in the City around the trading district has changed entirely from the Savile Row tailored look to casual open necked cut away collar shirts with no formal jacket which just doesn't look right to me.
Maybe on Ryan Air
It's the Onesy that scares me, it's back apparently. I heard some awful reality pop non-start saying how fashionable they are on R4 the other day. There is nowhere to go downwards after that.
One of the Abba chicks was hot. I'd rather look at her than any of you lot, that's for sure.
Ralph Lauren men's onesies are available in John Lewis. Pay a visit if you want to be horrified.
Martin claims victory at the BBC - But he will have upset the iGents with this opening paragraph.
"Tim Davie of the BBC has bowed to widespread public pressure, involving a letter from a concerned pensioner, and put on a tie. Good for him. I'm not sure that twinning a dark blue tie with a dark blue suit ever really works, although it has its advocates. The look is a little too Nicolas Sarkozy for my tastes, although perhaps as Davie becomes more accustomed to tie-wearing he'll feel confident enough to try out some contrasting colours."
Last edited by My Grandfather's Pants (2012-11-16 11:02:22)