The newspaper's rubbish but definitely an interesting article.
I am glad to learn that someone is pushing the envelope.
Whatever we may think of adhering to "classic" styles, new ideas should always be explored, although not necessarily adopted.
Last edited by Alex Roest (2007-04-27 03:30:41)
Ahhhhh -
But Soho is not The Row & The Row is not Soho.
(Sometimes I feel so profound...)
Nothing really interesting goes on on Savile Row now.
It's a kinda sartorial theme park for tourists.
Soho has much more of a chance to inspire & advance the English suit, IMVHO.
They have much more freedom there just because they don't have all that baggage of being on The Row hanging around their necks.
... And then beyond Soho there are all those guys working away in little places where the real London lovers of cut & cloth congregate...
Nowhere-much-at-all places like Harringay up in North London for instance.
All this has a long history of smart London Boys going out to places like Bishopsgate to get what they want back in 1962.
I'm just hanging around for the Chippy to open now...
Spot on Terry.
The imagery.... 14/15 year old in 1962
Bilgorris on Bishopsgate... Austins on Shaftesbury Avenue... Cecil Gee on the Charing Cross Road...Sam Arkus and Mr Eddie on Berwick Street, Soho.. Stans in Battersea with your own design of shoe!! It must have been so exciting!!
Today, as well as George up in Green Lanes in Harringay, Threadneedleman down the Walworth Road in South East London is of the same ilk. Here's a link to his website.
Last edited by The Style Council (2007-04-27 04:40:48)
Though, the first wave, '58 - '61, were influenced more by the US 'Ivy League' style from the classic 'Blue Note' LP covers..
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-04-27 08:53:42)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2007-04-27 09:24:45)
And yet after a few drinks with some good sounds belting out I bet you'd dig it!
All the best dancefloors are in museums...
There's a part of me that would like Simons to write a book on The Look and its effect in the UK, expanding on his various interviews. On the other hand, I like the idea of individual research as Mr Lean has mentioned on here before. In the end, it should be all about a mixture of what you research and your own interpretation and contextualisation of that research.
I have been intrigued by the 'minet' idea. I suspect it is to do with that 'charge' that Simons talks about on his website, of taking something from its original context and using it in your own. Minets, at least the early ones, seemed to be doing this by adapting English styles and strolling the Parisian boulevards. Very Mod.
That period in London in the late fifties-early sixties is so under-represented in the style story of this country. The promised land of America, the sun-lit Mediterranean. It was all of a piece together. It's no wonder people wanted to grab a piece of all that and brighten the place up.
The Stranglers shot their 'Golden Brown' Video in there...
Amongst others...
I see what GS means:
A new name to me again so thanks for that, GS.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-04-29 06:52:17)
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-04-29 07:11:44)
Passport to Pimlico!
(What could be more English than your right to not be English?)
Great post, SC: All the right words in all the right order.