l sometimes get alittle curious as to who is who from previous forums. Anyone who wants to share their identities can do so here.
(Hope i'm not breaking an unwritten code by asking the sacred question).
Regards: The Shooman.
I'm Harris and Silk Ascot.
Nantucket Red (SF, AA) and Pussycat's Boyfriend (SF formerly).
I often post over at AAAC and London Lounge as...err, oops. Heh, nevermind...
I am thinking of changing my username here to "A True Gentleman" or ATG
JamesT and JamesT1 everywhere - very creative, I know
eg1 in boards that will not allow two-letter handles. My son's peeved face as the avatar is a constant, however.
Oddly, I somehow stumbled on this board before any of the others, which I understand is rather back-asswards. What do you expect from a provincial?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-04-28 10:40:30)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-04-28 10:58:40)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-04-28 11:18:43)
Safe to say, Shooey, you are in the Bastard Hall of Infame.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-04-28 11:49:20)
'Round about the time of the 'Russell Street' troll was the 'Let It Come' troll...
Pure filth & please don't read any of it.
I was only a 4th of it all, just like in the early days of 'Russell'.
To put it into context it took place on an 'anything goes' website - And very soon it was very obvious that anything DIDN'T go there.
Yet 'Jenny' was never banned & the only thread they ever pulled was the one where she said she would like to watch public executions & masturbate openly.
As always I regret my involvement with all of this.
... Oh Yeah - http://forum.literotica.com:81/showthread.php?t=446523
We did worse on 'WifePoster'...
We got a bloke to photo his wife with a pair of shoos on her knockers.
... Nice pair of Oxfords too, btw.
It's not that I've wasted my time on line so much... It's more that I've wasted the time of everybody else around me.
Far too late now to say sorry, I know...
So I wont.
I'll dig out a link to the Gardening website we trolled at the same time...
We argued that weeds were the only true flowers left these days thanks to the over-cultivating of seed stocks.
"The modern garden is like a parade of Frankenstein's abortions" ... ... ... - Dear me, those herbaceous cats went nuts!
Sometimes I think I'm lucky to be alive...
Thing is...
'Jenny' was THE ONLY TROLL.
Brilliantly wicked.