Was he really a choreographer?
Good 5 pocket and tie combo
Yep. He's a dark horse is Christian.
Low on budget. High on talent.
Astounding! I thought he was too tall to be dancer.
Now the Alan Partridge scene where he would like to dance for you, makes perfect sense.
In the interests of objectivity, and as an amateur dancer myself, I will happily admit that I now have some degree of respect for Chens.
I honestly think chens should approach a tv company or film maker to do a documnetary on him. And I mean that with sincerity. I think he is missing a trick. I would find it very entertaining. If anyone has ever watchwd king of kong theyll know what I mean
Last edited by Yuca (2013-01-07 06:17:11)
I would encourage him to seriously consider mounting 'Ivy On Ice' next...
Turn, kick, kick, turn, kick.
Or -
Side, together, side, together, point, point.
Ha ha, Ivy on ice is something I'd definitely watch!
From a reality show point of view, I think he would have been far more interesting back when he was a choreographer.
A 'Louis Theroux Meets...' with Chens (or just him and his dandy mates) would have been good at that time. Then maybe he could do a follow up with Chens as he is now. It would make fascinating viewing.
The ship has sailed!
What went wrong? One minute living the dream as a choreographer on Hollywood movies, the next moment down and out in Brooklyn with a full suite of amateur blogs on the go.
There's a story here methinks.
Theroux is just the man to explore the interesting subject of iGents. You can see him now all innocently exposing the feckless as they spend every bit of cash and credit cards limits to chase the dream of that bespoke sartorial lifestyle whilst living the basement of your parents/grandparents/sisters house.
Ooooh - Just noticed that the lazy c*nt has finally done some work !
Pushing the campus line still, but still of interest. He needs to address the role of marketing though... And I hope he will.
I'm already (unfairly) suspecting a 'cart before the horse' thing going on in his theory - The imagery of the campus as a marketing tool came much later than the birth of what was to become called 'Ivy' (Itself primarily a marketing term of sporting origin).
But let's see how he runs with it.
... I'm a very understanding man and I do see that, for some, college boys can cast an intoxicating spell...
I look forward to seeing what comes of his essay.
I've said before that pushing the Campus angle doesn't do much for me. I think it is to an extent over egged now... the marketing hype believed to be literal and true is a cul de sac for an essay like that. But there's every chance he won't fall into that trap.
CC is smart. He can do good stuff when he wants and with an essay like this anyone (passionate on the subjects discussed or not) has a fair shot at getting things right.
Not that I know what is right.... I won't be judging him on his conclusions but I really do hope he can help me see more angles than I do now.
Good luck Christian. Onwards and upwards CC and remember "Even if their feet aren't in the right place, at least their hearts are."*
*That's an actual quote from the Hollwood choreographer Christian M Chensvold.
Very fair.
I've got my popcorn to hand and will enjoy the show come what may.
Last edited by My Grandfather's Pants (2013-01-07 16:29:23)
Back on track !
You know the story about when the Ivy Boys jumped up on stage with RK at Ronnie's & Sir John Lally stole the show ?
JS & Mr. Strachan, the crew were there. Jammin'.