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#376 2013-04-27 01:24:00

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

To be fair to Guiseppe, I quite like the thrifting ethos under pinning his blog and his one of the better ones around IMO. He comes across as decent enough chap. It's his tattoos I find worrying.

You've clearly picked on the wrong hornet's nest there, Mr Doyle

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#377 2013-04-27 01:53:47

Posts: 4227

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

^ I thought he was the one with the Tyrolean hat. It is the New York teacher that has the tattoos.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#378 2013-04-27 01:59:09

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Is it? That New York teacher was disturbing, double so if he was the one with the tattoos!

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#379 2013-04-27 05:51:16

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

I've always liked An Affordable Wardrobe. Clearly Guiseppe is someone who has a real zest for clothes and has fun with them although some of his outfits don't do much for me.  I do skip over a lot of the non clothes stuff but equally I enjoy some of the items he writes about places in Boston, a city I would really like to go back to.

Of course if you choose to lay your life bare on the internet you will always attract pricks who visit your site and feel the need to have a 'pop' at you  dishing up some vitriol. The internet's a big place why not just click off somewhere else?  It's not like Guiseppe's invaded anyone's personal space with his folding chair.

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#380 2013-04-27 09:42:03

Posts: 5147

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#381 2013-04-27 09:43:09

Posts: 5147

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#382 2013-04-27 09:51:13

chatsworth osborne jr.
Posts: 738

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Last edited by chatsworth osborne jr. (2013-04-27 09:51:32)


#383 2013-04-27 10:01:46

Posts: 5147

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#384 2013-04-27 10:36:57

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#385 2013-04-27 15:39:38

Posts: 2653

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

I have a folding chair. Two, in fact. They are very handy.

Otter : Take it easy, I'm pre-law.
Boon : I thought you were pre-med.
Otter : What's the difference?


#386 2013-04-28 13:49:26

Posts: 4227

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Tattoos and Tyrolean hat apart, I like most of what I see on 'An Affordable' and can see it relating to a larger audience than 'A Suitable' although William Wardrobe is also reputed to be a decent sort.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#387 2013-04-28 13:50:55

Posts: 4227

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#388 2013-04-30 05:57:09

Posts: 2653

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Otter : Take it easy, I'm pre-law.
Boon : I thought you were pre-med.
Otter : What's the difference?


#389 2013-05-05 09:45:05

Posts: 1383

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond


#390 2013-05-05 09:55:29

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3649

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#391 2013-05-05 15:00:12

Posts: 5147

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#392 2013-05-06 04:50:08

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Pity this bloke didn't get busted taking photo's of his shoos in public. sad

l want some of these igents to start getting busted taking photos of themselves in toilets and public transport so they are reported to authorities and locked up.


#393 2013-05-06 04:53:46

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

More reason to have him locked up:


#394 2013-05-06 05:38:32

From: Gmunden, Salzkammergut/Austria
Posts: 849

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

"I'd give all the Champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him(Eric Cantona) in a big European match at Old Trafford." George Best(1946 -2005)


#395 2013-05-06 14:26:53

Posts: 2653

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

A classic thumbsucker:

Otter : Take it easy, I'm pre-law.
Boon : I thought you were pre-med.
Otter : What's the difference?


#396 2013-05-06 14:53:07

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

Last edited by The_Shooman (2013-05-06 15:28:59)


#397 2013-05-06 15:50:34

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond


#398 2013-05-06 16:36:19

Posts: 1383

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond


#399 2013-05-06 16:49:58

Posts: 5147

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

I just went and read the thread. Holy schneikies there's some winners in there.

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#400 2013-05-06 21:31:27

Jeff Reed
From: Brooklyn, New York
Posts: 991

Re: Inane Overdrive-Brave New World Edition, 2013 and Beyond

That really hits home. The other day I was at <local upscale restaurant> and spied a cretin wearing velcro shoes! Velcro shoes! While I was paying $12 for asparagus spears!

As usual, I got really drunk. I could barely see, but I could see a velcro shoe. My blood pressure rose. I tried to remain calm, but I kept flitting my eyes to velcro man whenever my date would look away from me. My left eye began to twitch. My toes curled in my appropriate, consonant shoes. I imagined my date wearing velcro shoes. I had to go to the men's room to "get sick".

At last the check came. Date needed to use the restroom, so I told her to meet me in the lobby as I would just handle the check. I threw some hundreds in the waiter's book, what do I care, I am wealthy. I've never looked at a check in my life, but I know the asparagus was $12.

Between throwing in the hundreds and flying out to the lobby to meet my date I don't remember much. But I must have been a frightful sight. My date screamed when she saw me. I looked at my hand --- a bloody steak knife was locked in my grip. I dropped it and then noticed that my suit pants were covered in blood. Fresh blood. I smelled faintly of iron.

"I got him", I said.

"Who, who!", she was panicking.

"The guy with the velcro shoes!", it was all coming back to me and I was rather proud.

She started to sob. "That was a cast!"

I picked her up, ran out of the upscale restaurant and threw her in front of a speeding bus.

I'm sticking to diners from now.

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