2000 posts!
Only seven more & I'll have done a post for every year since Our Lord was born.
I deserve quiche!
I only mentioned Our Lord to bring him out of the closet.
It's time he grew to love me.
I believe this is our first post count congratulations thread, or rather, post count self-congratulations thread -- a breakthrough!
You've got a while to go before that odometer flips back to 0, Terry, old boy.
Being a snake I will shed my skin long before then.
This is my 925th post, which I suppose is a milestone of sorts (or is that millstone?).
Can I just thank the 94 people who have shared my triumph with me so far?
Thank you for your attention.
I think it is high time for some cheeky titles.
225 is enough hits for this thread.
Please stop looking at me now.
You're making me feel like a vulgar attention seeker...
I only post here for the privacy this forum affords.
It is well known that nobody reads what is written here and that the ideas expressed here are therefore safe from being nicked and used elsewhere on the MBs under somebody else's name.
If people are going to start reading this forum I may have to think again about my presence here.
Can I ask that you all close your eyes when you open one of my threads in future?
I want to be alone with my private thoughts now...
This post is purely so that my total count can go up to 2120 this afternoon.
I want to be a Super Member...
Terry, your member is super.
Terry, please empty your message inbox.