But why must it be either ?
The true Genius and the true Professional are very rare. We would have to burn a lot of books if only they counted.
Ah. I'm too used to you disagreeing with me
One of my favourite book reviews was Damon Runyon's verdict on Alice in Wonderland - 'A pack of lies' he said.
Some nice free publicity from Mr. Chensvold on his blog. The guy's not all bad you know.
He does have a problem with fact and fiction though... He seems to think that I've never not been a fiction writer. Did he ever get that English degree ?
Where were we? Ah yes, studied professionalism vs the spark of genius, I will take the former everytime. 9 times out of 10, it is better to be a participator and the right point of the curve than an innovator, unless you're the likes of Miles Davis and look where he ended up.
Interesting that so many of the comments about writing above are about being a success, making a living, stuff like that. My motivation is fun. It's an enjoyable thing to do and the process around it is enjoyable: The people you meet, the places you go, all the interesting chit-chat and drinks...
The book is already a success in my terms because it's providing me with such fun. God knows how it will fare commercially, but as I don't write for a living I can be relaxed about all that. Let others fret.
Interesting also that the conversation above very quickly moved onto greatness and genius. It's a bit like the old thing of being 'The Best'. All rather alien to me. I'd rather have some fun.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2013-06-12 05:23:22)
I'll still say that there's BEING A WRITER and those who write. A difference.
The 'success' thing I also struggle with - Is the only success the making of money? The changing of the world? The establishment of a new and better life for everybody enriched by your genius?
What about having a laff and a few drinks? Sounds good to me.
It reminds me also of my involvement with the Harry Stedman brand who wanted to be the next Ralph Lauren - Enjoying making a few good clothes might have been a better ambition? Why build failure into your business plan?
I'm sorry, you can't deny the greatness of Gianfranco Zola.
I meant 'no' of course, supra.