Recently, I posted a question thread on the AAAT site. Whilst at work, the thread developed into a flame war, and the thread was rightfully locked. In hindsight, my original question could have been phrased differently, but since the locking of the thread, I cannot post anymore. I get the message that it must be approved by the mods, but nothing appears. Yet mods can post their own threads, without repose. What gives? Not sure what I did wrong, except use the H's name in vain, but I think I will search out boards better suited to lightheartedness. Boards such as these? If you'll have me, that is...
The BBR Mods are basically pyromaniacal firefighters.
Yeah, ACCC is one big mindf*ck. You're better off without the bulldust over there. But if you really like the place, maybe it's best to email Andy through his home page. Hope to see you post over here're o.k.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-01 00:51:21)
Keep in mind, that coming over to FNB and complaining about being locked on Andyland is a huge black mark in their minds. I am not suggesting your complaints are unwarranted, just that they don't like this place and you have no doubt been added to their "watch list" for having come here.
But it's good to see you!
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-01 08:50:07)
Harry is considered on Andyland, if not the Creator, then the Prophet of 'trad'.
He is beyond reproach: even when he was wrong, he was right.
That's why they locked your thread.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-07-02 01:52:45)
I think the 'Trad' forum only exists now to keep 'Trad' going.
Bell-Drier obsesses about his nasty right-wing attitudes
Joe Tradly tries to make sense of the clothes & tie them into a philosophy of life - Often with good results if you like that sort of thing.
The Mods don't do much. Their only job is to keep it all spinning along.
...And the forum has to be kept going otherwise they all look stupid. Andy had to personally email Harris over & over again to get him to come back at one point, don't forget.
Now even the esteemed 'Manton' is adding his voice to the validity of 'Trad'.
Who next?
Shame Walt Disney is dead... He was good at building magic kingdoms.
Was not Harris some rather down on his luck person? I remember him posting some time ago about a new job...maybe along the rent-a-cop type line, and showing a picture of some 15 year old black Impala (the big one from the late 80's, early 90's). Maybe my understanding is not quite right, but for some reason, I always associated this "Trad" business with a certain minimum level of affluence. It seemed rather incongruous to me that a rather n'er do well seeming person was the father of this movement over in Andyland.
From what I've read of Harry's posts, he never seemed to know exactly what he wanted, or what he believed. Or of what he approved. So maybe he did have the whole genuine official 'preppy' upbringing, but he never possessed the surety that having such experiences would imply.