Well, we'll have to wait to see. I still haven't seen Skyfall yet.
Last edited by formby (2013-09-01 14:14:11)
I loved Q's cardigan in Skyfall. I tracked it down to some Belgium designer. I think.
Last edited by Jeff Reed (2013-09-01 14:13:32)
Formby - one of these fine days you'll have to come over here (with Hep., the Bishop, Kingstonian, Yuca - and others) for a night out on the Marvellous City. The world-weariness is there but derives not so much from being here, as much as generally being somewhere 'where every prospect pleases' etc. etc..
Last edited by NJS (2013-09-01 15:51:26)
Sadly, our esteemed host (FNB) lacks the humour/nous to recognise when I am winding up the iVY iGENTS.
He is too earnest to understand that I enjoy taking the piss and playing our narcissistic public schoolboy (3000 miles from Ivy's home) at his own game.
However, he's an American from NYC where (in my experience) the natives are too far up their own asses to understand real humour or even just irony.
^you're not funny though Bishop. EVER!
You're just not a funny guy.
And you troll like a 14 year old girl.
^ Recognising yourself?
You are just a clueless numpty!
Glug glug.
Go to sleep.
Last edited by Bishop of Briggs (2013-09-01 16:11:54)
NJS, I used "asses" for the benefit of our Yankee correspondents. "Arses" is more appropriate for British audiences.
I must (shamefully) confess to wearing loud striped and checked shirts.
Please accept my earnest apologies for not choosing OCBDs or Liberty's floral designs.
FNB and Liam will be deeply offended.