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#1 2007-07-07 03:28:07

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

My tailor has torn apart Brioni, Kiton, Oxxford and many many others and he says they are all rubbish....not worth paying for. He says that none of these guys know how to make a collar properly and all the marketing they do is a load of crap. He even went into detail about how dodgy their collar making methods are. lt doesn't really surprise me either. Oxxford has a mastertailor overlooking many run-of-the-mill sewers who DO NOT have the skills to be able to make a collar properly. He also said that Oxxford tailoring is appalling and there is much machine work. The Oxxford sleeves are NOT entirely attached by hand either. He also said that Oxxford canvasses are old (probably been hanging in the factory for ages) and are not superior quality either. He even said that Oxxford pants are an embarrassment....messy, ugly construction and inelegant.

The only suit he recommends is the Durben (or Durban) suit from Hong Kong. lt doesn't have handwork, but it is cut very very well and the collars are the only RTW/MTM ones that are cut properly. He says the collar making methods for RTW are all old hat....much better collar making methods have been invented and Brioni, Oxxford etc are well behind the times. l believe him too. He makes a collar fit like no other. His collars suck your neck off. He has completely transformed my Oxxford collars to amazing levels. He even rated high end fully canvassed RTW Burberry factory suits as better than Oxxford. He says that handwork in RTW is highly over-rated and is used to scam people.

My tailor has no interest in Brioni, Kiton or Oxxford customers....their thinking doesn't fit his target market and he has no interest in trying to convince them of anything better (bespoke). He is only interested in people who want a great fitting suit made properly; he doesn't have a shortage of customers either. lf a person asks for him to copy Kiton, he tells them to go away. He doesn't advertise (completely word of mouth) and he never shows his work publically. He hates internet clothing forums (99% of talk about suits is complete rubbish) and he says any tailor that drums up business or advertises prices through the internet is not a real tailor; he says a great tailor shouldn't have to do that.

He also said that how Oxxford promotes it lapel rolls is poppy cock too....they make it sound more complicated than it nreally is. He said that all the threads showing the inside of Oxxford coats are a joke and very misleading. l believe him: he fixes all the botched bespokes from all the well know Australian makers and he has fixed numourous botched Saville Row jobs too. He says SR lives in the past, uses old inefficient cutting techniques and learning from the old tailors is holding SR way back from making really worldclass suits. He says better suit making methods are around now and that most of the suit makers are not taking advantage of that.

My tailor is so good that he has invented his own methods. He also says that Lettermans suits do not look  bespoke.

l don't seek out clothing MB's to learn anymore because hardly anyone has a clue what they are talking about. l plug into great professional sources for my information these days. l only read the forums so l can talk to people  who like clothes/shoos, to look at pretty pictures and to laugh at all the stupid clueless people. Fortunately, l like FNB the most because people are not as deluded here.....people are more real.

Regards: your Shooman. smile

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-07 04:20:24)


#2 2007-07-07 05:03:06

Posts: 137

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Why don't you post pictures of your tailor's suits for us all to admire?


#3 2007-07-07 05:24:23

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-07 05:32:51)


#4 2007-07-07 06:17:54

Posts: 232

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Ronnie, if we all promise not to say a word about your suits, could we please see you in one. 

Since you obviously knows so much more about tailoring than everyone else, I think the experience would be beyond instructive.


#5 2007-07-07 06:18:32

Posts: 137

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#6 2007-07-07 06:32:38

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Hurt ego's?  Sorry, but someone had to say it.

l don't know much about tailoring at all; l'm just going on the examples my tailor has shown me of poor tailoring. Badly made collars don't lie, the results are there for all to see and study. My tailor shows me shoddy tailoring, and then he shows me how to do it correctly. He even sworn me to secrecy over his specialised collar making method; not that he has to worry, most of it went right over my head.

He is a truely talented guy. He has developed his own tailoring methods through years of experience. He has a natural ability. He learnt from a great maker and further improved on that.


#7 2007-07-07 06:50:53

Posts: 137

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Last edited by jaeger (2007-07-07 08:11:09)


#8 2007-07-07 08:50:12

From: Denver, CO
Posts: 250

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


To be fair, a tailor would be called on the carpet to show his wares. Though, jaeger seems a little too eager, so I understand your decision to err on the side of caution. My recommendation: If your tailor has a website where he is advertising his wares, just point the respondents, there. If he wants to remain a "best kept secret" and advertises only through word-of-mouth, then continue as you are.

I don't doubt that you have a strong working relationship. In fact, I like this tailor's style if he's ripping down garments in front of you - that's what I do. And, I encourage tailors to adopt the same practice with their clients, too. It warms my heart that he speaks about progressive cutting & making systems and is passionate about his work and sharing knowledge.

RE: Durban. I'm apparently going to have to track down a few of these and rip them down for analysis, so I can understand what your tailor likes. Any lead on the manufacturer's website? Google tells me there are a few specialty stores in Tasmania where these can be found. I'm interested in seeing what type of distribution this brand has and maybe calling the owner/designer for a chat?


#9 2007-07-07 10:27:02

my cat, Figaro
Posts: 55

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Pictures are always appreciated. Either of your suits or the Dyrbans.


#10 2007-07-11 20:36:28

New member
Posts: 9

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Umm....I'm in Hong Kong and my company  distributes, sells and owns the company which makes durban suits..... They have the same construction as a whole bunch of other suits as well (made under the same company)...

Let me take a look the next time we have an internal sale,

Last edited by Toiletduck (2007-07-11 20:39:34)


#11 2007-07-11 20:41:04

Posts: 2310

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Jukebox Babe


#12 2007-07-11 21:06:07

Posts: 194

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#13 2007-07-11 21:21:27

New member
Posts: 9

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#14 2007-07-11 21:30:03

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#15 2007-07-11 21:46:35

New member
Posts: 9

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

I've actually tried on a few, but didn't really look/feel the difference at that time, let me check it out tonight on my way home. 

Let me just say that this company produces not only for "local" brands but also does the RTW for one of the Savile Row which does RTW.

I think I've already disclosed too much tongue  I shall go back to styleforum now smile

Last edited by Toiletduck (2007-07-11 21:47:33)


#16 2007-07-11 21:56:26

Posts: 194

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#17 2007-07-12 00:09:00

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-12 00:17:28)


#18 2007-07-12 00:41:05

Posts: 2310

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Jukebox Babe


#19 2007-07-12 08:22:43

Posts: 232

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#20 2007-07-12 11:58:56

From: Denver, CO
Posts: 250

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Shanghai is one of the last repositories of hand tailors from the Hong Kong tradition. Hong Kong patternmaking, in my opinion, is one of the best systems around - it's based on the acupuncture system of body measurement. This is the system I was first taught and I find myself relying on it almost exclusively, any more.

Hong Kong construction, however, is largely influenced by the Tailor & Cutter standards, so the 'guts' of jackets look very similar to garments you would find 'on the Row'. With the exception of a more efficient assembly process, comparing garments for their technical execution reveals few discernible differences.

It used to be that Chinese wool weaving was sub-par. I have a manufacturer friend who attended a fabric show in Shanghai, recently. He tells me I really need to get there to check out the goods for myself. He says wool weaving in China has come a very long way and that it is competitive with a lot of the Italian mills. In fact, the dirty secret is that some Italian mills are now only finishing the wool so they can attach their labels. The precise names of these mills was withheld from me.

Both China and India are becoming generally frustrated with American garment production because it's a race to the bottom (e.g. WalMart). Rumors within the industry are these countries are likely to reach a consensus, soon, and begin only working with EU companies because the Consumer (and, the Retail business model) have different values (i.e. quality over volume). As an example, I heard through the grapevine that one of the well-known factories in Shanghai "bumped" one of the Surgical appliance lines in order to focus on an EU client who was paying better rates for lower volume.


#21 2007-07-12 12:31:39

The Gentleman's Gentleman
Posts: 420

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#22 2007-07-12 12:59:52

Posts: 232

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#23 2007-07-12 13:58:14

From: michigan
Posts: 205

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'

Last edited by stylestudent (2007-07-12 13:59:01)


#24 2007-07-12 14:18:40

Posts: 194

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


#25 2007-07-12 14:21:34

From: michigan
Posts: 205

Re: Durban suits.....the best in RTW'


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