Last edited by Yuca (2013-10-01 01:14:16)
Yeah, he's a complete joke. Lolol.
Hepcat- of course it's full of ex offenders and people with problems. You think your precious courier service isn't?
The only difference between your system and ours is that you get a better service and the people doing the service get fucked over more readily.
This place is completely ridiculous sometimes.
You just said they were on the equivalent of zero hour contracts.
You don't know if they are getting done over because they are not represented as they would be by Royal Mail.
Do they have union representation?
In any case, my heart jumps of joy, when I spot one of these lovely, dear yellow DHL cars in my street in the weekend. Does it carry the cardigan/jumper/shirt/book/utter tad I ordered? Where does it stop? Near my place? Where does the driver head to? Towards our house? "Yes that's me, my dear man, friend, hard-working carrier of joy, where do I sign?".
What I was trying to say, is that the privately owned courier services are where the action is and will be where the money will be getting paid. The nationally owned and inefficient post office was a dinosaur whose business model has become extinct. I don't think I should be taking food out of my kids mouths to fund an organisation whose services can be delivered better and more cost effectively elsewhere.
When you tolerate that kind of malarkey, you end up with the likes of the BBC where managers are leaving early for other jobs and treating the position as a gift of graft, or non-performing NHS managers getting obscene amounts for fudging figures with death rates through the roof.
I doubt Union membership will provide much assistance to a business that is no longer viable.
Not ivy of course, but we all use postal services to help satisfy our ivy acquisition needs. We have previously had threads about import duty, customs, couriers etc ........all things that are of common interest, as are music, furniture, architecture, alcoholic drinks, cars......need I go on?
Last edited by Topstitcher (2013-10-01 07:06:01)
The thing putting people off this forum most is you Jim.
Better if there's only one post a day here if it's Ivy than 99 about a load of guff. As a poster here (that's all I am) I signed up to an Ivy forum. Boo Hoo your Post Office has closed. I'm amazed that you can carry on living.
Why many of you are still here when I believe Modculture is up and running again confuses me.
I think what's under discussion is whether forum members can make a post on non clothes topics, if they think it might be of interest to others, without being pounced on by Jim. which would be fine if he didn't love posting about himself and what he's doing, whether it concerns clothes or not.
Last edited by woofboxer (2013-10-01 09:49:54)
On my last trip to the post office I do recall some great looks on the guys on the Most Wanted list.
I hope Jim’s ok with this, but I am in a bit of a state because my local Chinese takeaway has sadly closed.
Not strictly Ivy but I did once pick up some salt and pepper squid while wearing US made bass weejuns.
I blame the communists.
Right so the Jews are responsilble for my Chinese closing
In the immortal words of Jack the Ripper
"The Juews are not the men that will not be blamed for nothing",
Before anyone accuses me of being anti Semitic please remember it’s a joke and my wife is Jewish.
Very sad to learn about the Chinese been taken away. But, although the discussion is most interesting, I suggest that you discuss that in a topic dedicated to Chinese take aways. Or fast food in general. Maybe we could have a subforum for that.
But this topic is about lost post offices. And hot post officers, maybe? Why not. Like the one who always gave me an eye when I collected my Ivy parcels.