Perhaps a little more brusque than I had hoped. But, your allegory is fair. The point I had hoped to convey was: his best recourse is to work as a junior a little longer until his business skills are developed. I need to stop trying to be so "nice, nice" :-)
RE: Reputation. I can't begin to speculate. I've only ever chatted with him a few times by phone. I've never been on the Row, so I have no idea whose reputation is what. I can only speak to the guts of some garments, not the working relationships.
I identify with DB's situation. When the first winds started to blow, I had openly offered to fly to London to help dig him out. I suspect he may have gotten intimidated and panicked. I know I did the first time my business got away from me, which is why I take such a personal interest in his story.
why doesn't Beaman just come clean and either clear up the various controversies or whatever? It seems like it'd be an easy enough thing to do. If writing's not his strong suit, as it were, then someone else can surely type it up.
I should say, as a post-script, that I never found the argument solely because DB was posting photos that it was somehow advertising, though I could see how someone would be led to think such a thing. And even if it were advertising, I don't see any reasonable person being swayed to immediately purchase from a picture. You've got to give people more credit than that, surely?
I think he did.
He said the suit needs another fitting so it couldn't possibly be ready to be picked up.
IIRC correctly, the time period was a lot shorter and that seems like a very smart idea.
It's not as though it takes any more time to do the buttonholes a couple weeks later than it takes to do them right before delivery and it's a whole lot easier to wait than it is to try and change the sleeve length once the buttonholes are cut.
I have yet to see a jacket where the sleeve length doesn't change a bit with wear and shoulder pads settling in.
Last edited by Cantabrigian (2007-08-03 12:31:28)