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#1 2007-08-05 04:17:11

New member
From: London
Posts: 7

Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

As you are probably aware, bespoke tailoring in the UK is threatened by a lack of young tailors entering the profession. In March 2006, the City of Westminster reported that currently in the West End of London, 82% of the bespoke tailoring companies use external suppliers or tailors. The other 18% undertake the production from start to finish by themselves, but they are usually self-employed or family based with low output. Our mission is to save and bequeath Savile Row bespoke tailoring hand crafted and individually made technics and also to provide the best and professional Savile Row Quality bespoke tailoring services to bespoke tailoring companies.

In order to save the top bespoke tailoring industry and provide our company clients with the highest quality bespoke garments, We are investing heavily by engaging the professional and well-respected Savile Row tailors as our official training consultants to our workshop in China. Our professional tailors are trained by them twice every year.

Our appointed and well-respected Savile Row tailors go to China and take the machinery and the expertise with them and just re-create the workroom exactly as it is in Savile Row. In some cases you can even see an increase in quality. Our bespoke garments now are as good as Savile Row's and even some of the Savle Row tailors said our garments are better than some of the garments made in Savile Row. We have a professional bespoke tailoring quality control team in China as well.

On the other hand, the professional bespoke tailoring industry is dying in the UK and USA. Most of Savile Row tailors are over 60 years old. Without the external professional bespoke tailoring support, the industry will be gone within 20 years' time.

At the same time, we all know that some of the tailors at Savile Row are from Malaysia, China and other Asian countries. The question is whether the Country of Origin of bespoke garments is more important than the quality?

As long as the quality does not go down and the workshop has a professional bespoke tailoring quality control team with a good welfare policy for the tailors, do you mind where the products are made?

Last edited by SavileRow (2007-08-06 03:34:21)

We can learn from each other on the true discussion.


#2 2007-08-05 05:53:27

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

Thank you for your post.  You're quite correct about the decline of the bespoke tailoring trade in the UK, which is the case around the world, so good luck with your efforts to help bespoke tailoring flourish.  In answer to your question, the country of origin of the garment manufacture would not be an issue for me.  More important is the quality of the product.  Can you elaborate on the training process for your tailors beyond the visiting Savile Row tailors?  Training, apprenticing, and maturing into a skilled tailor is a lengthy and continuous procedure (Some would say never-ending procedure) and so what programs are in place to provide uninterrupted training and to foster the skills and artistry necessary for excellence?  Thanks.

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#3 2007-08-05 06:21:55

New member
From: London
Posts: 7

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

We can learn from each other on the true discussion.


#4 2007-08-05 06:30:03

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#5 2007-08-05 06:48:11

New member
From: London
Posts: 7

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

Last edited by SavileRow (2007-08-05 06:53:58)

We can learn from each other on the true discussion.


#6 2007-08-05 07:04:11

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#7 2007-08-05 10:59:49

From: Denver, CO
Posts: 250

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?


#8 2007-08-05 11:09:16

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#9 2007-08-05 11:28:44

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#10 2007-08-05 21:26:54

From: Denver, CO
Posts: 250

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

Last edited by jsprowls9 (2007-08-05 21:32:29)


#11 2007-08-05 21:38:26

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

Are the Chinese more open to using and investing in machines to do part of the suit work than SR England?.....machines which won't effect the integrity of the garments; eg, basting machines?


#12 2007-08-05 21:53:16

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#13 2007-08-06 00:31:47

Posts: 2310

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

It's always interesting that they mention the "death" of bespoke and couture and all that and yet, apprenticeships are particularly difficult to secure.

Jukebox Babe


#14 2007-08-06 07:47:32

Posts: 54

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?


Are you the chinese chap associated with Alan Bennett of Davies and Sons?


#15 2007-08-06 07:55:22

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#16 2007-08-06 08:07:54

From: Denver, CO
Posts: 250

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?


#17 2007-08-06 17:17:50

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Bespoke Tailoring Country of Origin is More Important Than Quality?

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde

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