Reds should be limited to shorts, and even then...well, I'm still not convinced.
I've recently had my old reds cut down into 9" shorts (They'd gone all white at the knees with age). Much better & much more wearable.
When I was last there two years ago to scatter my grandmother's ashes, I bought a pair of Red shorts and a polo shirt at Murray's, but they're a new pre-faded, made-in-China version. Such things didn't even exist "back in the day."
Ol Salts,
When Phillip Murray died recently, one of the obituaries had a quote from him in which he flatly said that he created the pants to sell to tourists. There was no mythologizing back to ancient French sailor forebears. Also, the pants were first sold in 1959. The article bemoaning of the expansion of the product line is slightly ironic in context.
Last edited by tripchauncey (2007-08-07 08:51:36)
Such is "Trad" - all these cod "traditions".
Bills go all the way back to '84/'85.
Like many of the "preppier" items in the canon, reds have an appeal that eludes me. Never "got" them.
I do have a pair of dark, burnt-red cords that I like very much, though.