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#1 2007-08-13 10:56:49

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Chelsea boots

I used to wear brown chelsea boots with cords, moleskins, or jeans, tweed jackets, and floppy hair.  The floppy hair is long gone, but I still like the look.  I just found these:

What do you think?  Eighty quid seems quite reasonable.  Is this the Loake '290' model?

"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#2 2007-08-13 11:37:49

New member
Posts: 8

Re: Chelsea boots

It'll have only a half leather lining which, if you sweat, could be a problem.

Herring shoes have a number of loake seconds cheaper than that; perhaps they have your size.


#3 2007-08-13 14:31:34

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: Chelsea boots

I like chelsea boots. They are one of those items that can be both fogey and hip; a rare combination.

In brown suede they can go with either a traditional three piece tweed suit which strikes me as Edwardian or a very current suit. A current suit would be something like a grey-blue mohair suit one button, peak lapels, belt loops. I dont usually like a medium grey-blue suit but this look would be hip.

I have a pair in black calf and black suede. The black calf I would wear with more suit choices and that and the black chukka have a bit of the dapper dresser about them for a town suit. The I put a thin, soft I think Vibram tread on the black suede ones because I am usually having a good time when wearing them and slipping aint hip.

Mine arent but I would like E. Green's the most.


#4 2007-08-13 14:42:30

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Re: Chelsea boots

"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#5 2007-08-13 18:38:43

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Chelsea boots

l would never wear a chelsea with a suit...looks wrong when you have your legs crossed in a sitting position.

Quite a respectable looking boot.


#6 2007-08-13 19:50:36

Posts: 6433

Re: Chelsea boots

I like the RM Williams boots.  The one's in Layer Cake were good.

PS.  I saw another Aussie company makes a boot quite similar to Williams.  Don't recall the name but the box/logo is white on blue.  Will get the name to see if any of you know the company.

Last edited by Horace (2007-08-13 19:51:41)

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#7 2007-08-15 03:05:23

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Chelsea boots

Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-08-15 03:09:57)


#8 2007-08-17 00:23:54

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Chelsea boots


#9 2007-08-17 01:44:31

Twin Six
From: WASP in Tokyo
Posts: 1486

Re: Chelsea boots

I'm coveting a pair of grey suede chelseas newly introduced by Zegna. They have a composite rubber-leather sole similar to a pair of chukkas and slipons I have.

The only chelseas I have are a pair of brown suede Land's End boots that are cheap but relatively sturdy. Since they're virtually expendible, they're reserved for foul weather.


#10 2007-08-17 01:50:53

Posts: 2310

Re: Chelsea boots

I'm a great fan of Chelsea boots. However they need to have a sleek profile and a somewhat chiseled toe.

They look great with drainpipe type trousers, both casual and formal.

Jukebox Babe


#11 2007-08-17 06:50:06

Posts: 6433

Re: Chelsea boots

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#12 2007-08-18 09:17:15

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: Chelsea boots

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#13 2007-08-18 11:56:22

Posts: 2310

Re: Chelsea boots

Jukebox Babe


#14 2007-08-23 14:32:27

Posts: 27

Re: Chelsea boots

This is a good thread. I bought a pair of Grenson chelsea boots once and they were a huge disappointment. I then bought these which are also garbage,,232. I love the look and feel it suits me but I need a more comfortable shoe.

I was thinking of trying a pair from a more upscale maker if anyone has any direct experience?


#15 2007-08-23 20:47:28

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Chelsea boots


#16 2007-08-23 20:52:03

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: Chelsea boots


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