Dear Auntie FNB,
Do you believe in Unidentified Sartorial Objects? Some people deny their existence, I think they do so out of fear, as some of them are so horrifying.
However, I have found proof positive of their existence. Is this real or is it a hoax?
Yours in three-piece,
Dear FNB,
French cuffs on a short sleeve shirt?
Dear FNB,
My Trad bubblegum pyramid is almost complete...
Bazooka Joe or Hubba Bubba?
Only True Trads know the answer!
Dear FNB,
Spend money on expansive aftershaves???
Not me!!!
I just hang around really close to people who smell good so everybody thinks it's me.
I'm no fule.
Sartorius Rex
Dear FNB,
What is the correct way to stand up?
I often have to remain seated at social functions as I am unsure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks -
Sartorious Rex
(PS - Is it true you are Vaclav?)
Dear FNB,
Can a real Gentleman ever be left handed?
Or have Ginger hair????
Sartorious Rex
would a ginger haired gentleman, by necessity have to shave his pubic hair to avoid scaring the ladies?
I have never understood the English antipathy for all things "ginger"?
Interestingly it was a badge of faith of the 19th Century Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood to love Ginger 'Stunners'...
Well, kinda 'interestingly'...
Indeed, Mr Monkey, it was that self-same evening that I solemnly wrote your name into the Book of Lice.
Last edited by Raptor Jesus (2007-10-20 10:27:07)